Monday, December 10, 2012

Around the House

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Shadows on the wall created by our lighted garland on the stair banister.

We spent a quiet weekend hanging out around the house mostly. It was mostly foggy and drizzly all weekend long. Pretty gray. It’s still foggy out there this morning and in the mid 40’s. Today we’re supposed to get thunderstorms and more rain with temps in the 50’s. Not exactly wintry Christmas weather! It does this to me every year it seems. It taunts us with a few small snowfalls early on, then zip. So far so much for their predictions of a heavier-than-normal snowfall for this coming winter. But … it’s not winter officially yet and to their credit they did say it would mostly occur in January & February. Last year was so disappointing in the snow department that I was hoping it would make up for it this year. Patience, Lynne.

On Saturday we finished decorating the tree. To make up for the lack of snow outside we created our own snowstorm on our tree by decorating solely with the crocheted snowflakes my Mom made for us.

Alex helped with this photo.

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Our neighbors (Aileen with the chickens) had their annual company Christmas party at their house yesterday. Every year her husband hitches up his big John Deer tractor to a large flathead trailer and they take their guests on a “hay ride” minus the hay. Last night it was foggy and drizzling when I let the dogs out after dark and happened to see Bruce driving the festively lit trailer up from their barn. I waited a few minutes, then went and stood on my front step. When I saw them coming I flashed our outside house lights three times and as they drove by waved and shouted “Merry Christmas” as the people on the trailer stood up and waved and shouted back. The sound of carols drifted along behind them as they made their way down our street. Sweet.

I am also hoping to catch Fire Truck Santa when he makes the rounds this year. We’ve missed him so many years in a row now it’s sad. The first year we saw him I thought someone’s house in the neighborhood was on fire when I heard the sirens, but it was just our volunteer fire department making the rounds with Santa strapped to the front of the engine. Here is a video of another version of Fire Truck Santa in our town in 2010. Funny, heh? I hope to catch him this year as he drives by our house and get some photos. Here’s hoping!

Small town living—you’ve gotta love it!




Love the tree—so pretty!!! And what exactly is my boy Alex trying to say? He is definitely speaking! I know: he said he helped trim the tree,right? It is always important to have a “stupidvisor.” No offense intended, Alex, we have two of them!

Fire Truck Santa is right up my alley. I hope they come by your house. I love the sirens and the air horn! (of course)

Bigsis, actually Alex was trying to say “take us for a walk already and quite messing with the camera!” He is the stupidvisor!

Awwww, Alex!

They used to do Fire Truck Santa in East Brunswick, too. I guess it’s a New Jersey thing!

Steve, NJ is indeed a strange place! smile

Great minds think alike…. I have a few crocheted snowflakes that a friend made for us.  As we decorated OUR tree last night I thought a tree decorated in only those would be beautiful.  I must learn how to make them!

Love the tree!  We finally have some sun this morning.

Maggie, you know how to crochet too? I only know single crochet but nothing near as intricate as these snowflakes are. Knowing you, you’ll figure it out!

C, thanks we love it too! Sun here at the beginning of the day but clouds for the rest.

I found a link with 4 different patterns…. just have to find some really thin white thread/yarn???  and some time….. must.not.start.another.project!!!!!!!!!!!  YET!  wink

Maggie, I think in my mom’s stash of crochet books she has a whole book full of snowflakes that I bought her. Sadly, I only know how to do single crochet (I made rag rugs once upon a time).  Yarn won’t work, they’ll be too bulky. You need crochet thread!

Your tree looks beautiful with your Mum’s crocheted snowflakes and how excited Alex looks - I guess one of the stockings hanging on the mantel is for Alex!

Joyce, thanks we like the tree with only the snowflakes. Each one is precious! Yes, Alex has a stocking on the mantel. Alex loves Christmas and thinks all the packages under the tree are his.

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