Saturday, December 17, 2011

Getting the tree

My sister pointed out to me that she was still waiting to see the blog post where Alex picked our tree.

Last Saturday we drove to Wintergreen Christmas Tree Farm near Lafayette, New Jersey to cut our tree. I’m glad I had printed out the directions since it was like following a trail of bread crumbs to get there. It was a beautiful drive through countryside we had never been to before.

We parked and walked up to the barn to get a saw and a tree cart. How nice of them to provide nice, sharp hand saws and a cart to collect your tree with! They sold about four different kinds of trees, but we had driven by the kind we wanted: Fraser firs. Of course they were the furtherest ones away from the parking area!

IMG 6616

Row upon row of nearly perfect trees! Which one to choose? I wanted to just close my eyes, spin around and point to one but I am sort of a perfectionist when it comes to trees. We were looking for one that wasn’t too big around at the bottom since we don’t have much space for it to fit into between the fireplace and the entertainment center.

Here I am, saw in hand taking a look around.

IMG 6613

And then Alex said, “Dad, let’s take this one!”

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Although I joked with the man at the barn about bringing my dog along to find the right tree and “mark” it, he kept his leg on the ground! Lots of other people who were coming in after us had also brought their dogs with them.

Trees were being tied to tops of cars at a fast pace.

IMG 6623

By the time we left it was getting very crowded and people were having to wait for other people to bring back tree carts. We got there just at the right time I think.

The tree fits perfectly into its spot in the corner and it’s a very pretty tree. All in all, a nice way to spend the better part of a day.

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Lovely tree! In fact, it looks a lot like ours-size and shape (maybe they are related, after all they are both fraser firs). I wonder if yours came from NC??? Probably not. We really have a fragrant tree this year. At least Julie our dogsitter can enjoy it,too while we are up there visiting you guys.
Good choice, Alex

Well, unless this farm in NJ bought this tree f rom NC when it was younger and then planted it, I’m not sure they are related! wink You’ll see it for yourself in less than one week. Ours does not have any fragrance at all that I can tell. Weird, since it’s so fresh. Maybe they just planted them two months ago? smile

What a fun adventure.  Would you believe I have never done that before…crazy huh.  Your tree turned out so pretty!  If I don’t talk to you before Christmas…Merry Christmas to you and Rick!

Debra, I don’t think they have Christmas tree farms in CO! wink We used to cut a tree on our Sand Creek property when we could get in before we built the cabin. Christmases that we spent at the cabin we cut a tree from our land too.

Merry Christmas to you too!

We left Friday lunchtime to spend the weekend in Lancashire with my Mother so have just read both your blogs.  You are indeed very lucky to live so near NYC and enjoy such lovely food and great city life.  A trip to Beverley Hills - I can’t wait to hear all about it and see your dress.  I love that Alex picked the tree and it looks so pretty decorated.

I bet the other doggies were jealous that Alex got to go and they didn’t.  But then he does pick good trees!  Looks like it just fits with the crowning tree topper on.

Joyce, I can’t wait to see my dress either! smile Have no clue how I am going to find this dress for this event! Beverly Hills is so NOT me!

Carolyn, I think Alex was a bit put off by the fact that the other dogs were not with us. He kept looking around for them and could not figure why he was on this trip alone with us. He did pick a good one for sure!

P.S.  Just remember as far as your dress is concerned - it’s Beverly Hills so anything goes!

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