Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Meet Thomas

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

This is Thomas. Thomas is a turkey and named with the utmost originality. He is a tom turkey. Get it?

We have many turkeys that visit but Thomas always comes on his own. He usually arrives in the morning just as I am sitting at the computer with cup of coffee checking email. He stands there and stares at the house. Sometimes he even comes up closer to the window to catch my attention as if to say helloooooo! i’m here for my breakfast! And, it works. I get my bucket and put a few scoops of cracked corn and bird seed mix and head out the door.

Thomas trusts me and stands and waits for me to scatter the food. I tap the bucket lightly as a signal he’s going to be fed. He waits patiently. Sometimes he starts eating with me still standing there and sometimes he waits until I leave.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Now I am not saying that I have trained Thomas the Turkey because no wild animal can be tamed, but Thomas has learned over time that tapping the bucket means food. The other turkeys know that signal too and sometimes even when not one turkey is in sight and I tap the bucket, I get a swarm of them coming out of the woods running towards me. It is a sight for sure to see all 13 babies and three or four adults heading right for me! They are smart birds.

Lately our little group has included a few toms, one that is quite large. I didn’t know that toms could be persuaded to be babysitters, but just look at this proof.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

They are fun to have around except for when they make their way into the back yard and I unknowingly let the dogs out. The dogs love to chase the turkeys and the poor things squawk and gobble their way out of harm’s way, either by flying into the trees or taking off over the fence. Hailey can sit for hours under a tree with a turkey sitting in it. They amuse everyone in our household.


Yes! a newly named neighbor. The spend most of their time traveling between your house and the Bogardus’ bird feeder square.

Luke, I haven’t seen the snake since you stacked the wood and he is definitely not getting a name!

I hope I get to meet Thomas and maybe I can help you feed the turlets.

C, I am sure Thomas will make an appearance while you’re here. Sometimes he misses a morning and when he comes with the rest of the crowd I don’t always know it’s him.

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