Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Where there’s a will, there’s a way

The squirrels are frustrated. For the most part the new “squirrel-proof” bird feeder works. For the first few days the squirrels would come, step onto the feeder and their food disappeared before their very eyes. The amazed and confused looks on their faces said “hey, where did it go?” The feeder works by the bar being triggered by weight which then covers the seed. They would look in the window at me, flicking their tails furiously and chewing me out royally in squirrel Latin. At least that’s what it looked like they were doing.

Hey, guys, I had to do this! You were spilling the seed everywhere and monopolizing the feeder so that the birds could not get to it. Don’t feel too badly for the little furry critters—they get fed a mixture of seed and nuts in the front yard.

It didn’t take too long for one squirrel to figure it out. He now realizes he can’t put his weight on the feeder, or if he does it can only be one tiny paw. Here is his solution to the problem.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

To see him hanging on the pole upside-down like a bat, eating his handful of seed, was hilarious. Of course, it was only a matter of seconds before he started sliding down the pole and had to scramble to catch his balance. Smart little devil!


And people say squirrels are dumb. That’s really smart! I would never think of it.

So ...

does that mean I’m dumber than small fluffy tailed rodents?

Dang, man.

My squirrels last summer decided to store the seed in my garage in a chain saw birdhouse in the yard.  He even made a hole in the window screen.  So, we shut the window, only to find that he ate a hole through the window sash!  Oh, but mother nature is savvy, and the beautiful big owl has learned where the squirrels haunt now, so I have a natural balance of power going on, and the bird seed is contained better.  Smart little things, even though greedy!

Great photos!
I was going to post a photo tomorrow that my neighbours took of a squirrel on one of my feeders. I think it may have flown to get to where I have the feeder hung; either that or it was magic.

I have a photo to down load of a baby raccoon hanging from the same type of feeder.
The squirrels have figured out how to remove the suet cakes from the holder. I give up!

so clever - thats amazing!

I know you’ve checked out my blog, and I think I’ve posted pictures recently of the latest they’ve done to my feeder.  I’ve replaced the perch twice in two days, because they jam their fat littles *sses under the perch.  On my other feeder, they just climb the pole.  I have pictures on my flickr photostream.

They will always figure out a way.

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