Oooohhh .... I’d forgotten about vacuum sealing! We have a VS.
For christmas DH gave me a press! Yay! Pictures will follow. And a book, “making artisan cheese”, by Tim Smith, seems pretty good.
Now the sort of cheese I want to make is an english farm house cheese, like caerphilly, and I want it to grow a disgusting, oops I mean, lovely mottled rind.
The bacterial urky, eco system in my food thing.
But! Our “cave” is a shed in the shade of our garden shed, which maintains cool humid conditions for a lot of the year but not, I fear in January. DH reckons it will frequently get upto 20C.
So .. obviously VS wont produce the sort of cheese I’m dreaming about, but maybe its a stop gap for the summer.
I asked lots of naive questions about this aaages ago
Its interesting how the attitude to VS seems to have changed here in almost 2 years. One of the great things about these sorts of forums!
SoI’m thinking I’m gonna try caerphilly in the fridge, vacuum sealed for 4 weeks .. or do you think I should allow more time for the lower temperature? Anyway, it will just be my prototype batch and while I wait for the cave to cool down again. ![smile](