“The reward of a thing well done is to have done it.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Conduct of Life, ‘Fate,’ 1860

Saturday, February 26, 2022

A New Weaving Technique

Some time ago I posted about a table runner I'd woven on Facebook, but did not capture it here. So, I'm finally catching up on that. 

This is a table runner woven using 1-1/4" wide strips of quilting fabric (from a "jelly roll") as the weft. It was inspired by a pattern from Lois Weaver on Etsy. Lois is pretty well known as a pattern designer in the weaving world. I was initially disappointed in the abrupt color changes and did not think it was going to work very well. I almost abandoned the project--but, carried on.

It ended up looking pretty good and will make a good table runner for festive occasions, I think.

Inspired by this, I decided to use the same technique to do a couple of placemats for the motorhome, using colors that would blend with the decor. They turned out to be a bit long, but that is fine with me.


They are pretty rustic, especially at the edges, but working with that fabric as weft is challenging.

Tags:  weaving
Posted under: Weaving • by Rick on 02/26/2022 at 07:04 AM
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