“For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.” – Virginia Woolf

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 7

OMG! It is day 7!

Overnight we had some rain. It woke us about 3:00 a.m. with a pitter-patter on the metal roof. And, this morning when we got up it was still drizzling some. In NJ we would count the rain in inches. Here, we hope for a tenth-of-an-inch. Still, it was nice, cool, wet rain. That must really help with the local forest fires. And the coolness and the smell was wonderful. It was cool enough that Lynne built a fire in the wood stove.

We took the dogs for a walk up “poop hill” early and then cleaned the cabin because we were expecting a guest. A local realtor came by to give us an update on the market for properties like ours. The result was disappointing. We have three things working against us: the beetle kill, the “mess” (previously discussed) and the fact that our one room cabin has only one bedroom. We’ve decided to hang onto the place.

Larry came by for a long talk. That was great.

We started a new puzzle. I think this one will be a bit easier than the last.

We did Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas for dinner. It was a first time recipe. A bit more like a smothered burrito, but still quite good. We watched some TV and talked a lot.

Yes, I know, I need to add photos. But, Lynne does such a better job than me…

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Posted under: Cabin News • by Rick on 09/23/2010 at 09:19 PM
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