Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Moose Everywhere!
Last Friday evening we took a short drive around Sand Creek Park to see if we could spot any wild animals. We occasionally see some deer or elk, and once in a while, moose.
We saw 4 different moose on that short drive. All were within about a mile of the cabin. Click “more” for photos.
This first moose has a really white face. She is probably about 3 years old and we think is a frequent visitor to the salt lick at the cabin. There are two pictures of her.

This next photo is of “the twins”. One is a cow the other a bull. We think they are, maybe, two years old.

Finally, we also saw this 2-year old cow down at Sand Creek.

Posted under: Cabin News • by Rick on 05/18/2004 at 12:18 PM
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