Saturday, December 05, 2009

Christmas decorating updates and ... snow!

Look what’s going on at my house today.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

SNOW! Okay, it’s not too exciting in the amount department right now. We might get three inches, but I am not complaining. Oh no. I am ecstatic! An doubly so because today was the day we designated for getting the tree and decorating the inside of the house. How more perfect could it be? For once the weather forecast was spot on!

This morning we had to get up early to go to Goshen, New York to pick up Johnny’s tire. The other day when the traveling John Deere Spa came to our house to service Johnny and change out the mowing deck for the snow blower (what great timing!) they were supposed to bring a new inner tube for the tire but they forgot. They took the tire back up with them to fix it, and really, what good is a tractor without four wheels?

After that we did our grocery shopping for the weekend so we wouldn’t have to go back out. A few members of the local high school band were playing Christmas Carols outside the store. Festive! When we have no plans to go anywhere we just like to get everything done so we can just chill out for the rest of the weekend. It’s so peaceful and restful that way without any running around to do. We’re trying out a new recipe we saw on Food Network last week from Giada: Honey-Mustard Pork Roast wrapped in bacon. We’ll see how that goes a bit later!

Then we went to our favorite tree lot at Bear Swamp Farm (the same place where the CSA is), run by the Hosford family. (Allison Hosford also does our mushroom forays.) It was cold and damp and just starting to spit little fitful flakes of snow. The parking lot was jammed with cars; some already loaded with a tree strapped to the top while other still awaited their “topper.” They sell already cut trees fresh from Pennsylvania, or you can cut your own from the 15 acres available. No chain saws are allowed and they have a good supply of hand saws to take with you on your search for the perfect tree. People were singing carols as they searched, taking photos of getting ready to cut their tree, and just having a great time. Rick and I have cut trees from the same little spot for two years now, and after looking over some different areas decided to go back to “our” spot where there are mostly spruce trees.

Have you ever noticed that they look much smaller growing in the forest? We never learn. Anyway, after much deliberation between two trees, we selected our tree and carried it back to be wrapped up for transport. I couldn’t believe that they were selling big bundles of cut boughs for $1! I also bought a 20’ garland. Not sure just yet how I am going to use them. Neighbor Kim and I went back to Jungle Habitat and cut some fresh bittersweet the other day, so I plan to incorporate that into it somehow.

We get the tree home and into the house. We set it up still bundled in its netting. We unclip the netting, let down the boughs and ... it slightly overwhelms the space. It’s really too big. Not only that but in the forest the tree was gorgeous and perfectly straight up and down. This tree is, well, shall we say, a bit wonky? It grows straight from the trunk but something goes wrong about half way up. It’s totally crooked!!! Leaning like a drunkard, our tree is. Oh my. How could one tree look so different? Poor Rick twisted and turned the tree with me giving directions ... no, a little left ... maybe a bit more to the right ... trying to get it to look less crooked. I think we succeeded, finally. It will be beautiful once it’s decorated. Right now only the lights are on or I would should you a pic. Wait. I’ll get the camera. Hold on a minute. Now, remember, so far it’s just the lights.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

See? You can’t tell it’s crooked, can you? I think it’s going to be lovely! (Note the snowy visage out the window!) A pic of the fully decorated tree in all its wonkyness will soon be posted. Right now I am going to pour myself a glass of nicely chilled Chardonnay and watch the snow drift past my window.

Have a peaceful night.

Addendum: Oh my goodness! I forgot our snowy visitors. They wanted to be included and I forgot them. They are too late for Thanksgiving, however.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Also, have you noticed the “On this day ...” in the right hand column of my blog? It shows blog entries posted on this day in previous years. This is today’s in case you missed it. Bella hasn’t changed too much ... except she’s much bigger. The attitude remains the same. But look at all the leaves in the yard! No snow yet!


Live turkeys are really beautiful birds.

OK you are dancing in perfect shamanic alignment with the weather today, getting your tree and all. Bravo!

Beautiful pics.

The snow has stopped here. It didn’t stick in my neighborhood but did out in the ‘burbs.

Happy winter, Lynne!

Word veri (I am not making this up) is WHITE

It really sounds like you have the perfect weekend! Snow falling softly- decorating your tree and turkey’s parading past your windows. 
I bet your house smells amazing with the tree there!

Reya, I love the turkeys! They haven’t been around as much this year as in previous years. These were toms, I’m pretty sure by their size.  Yes! Lots of shamanic alignment/dancing. Perfection!

So cool your word was WHITE!!!!!

Jessica, so far it’s wonderful! Even if it doesn’t snow again before Christmas, I am getting a good pinch of pre-Christmas cheer. The tree is definitely adding its scent to the house!

Your front stoop is so picture perfect!  Happy holidays!

Perfect pictures for a perfect day!

what a lovely lovely tree!

we got ours on Friday, just a little one - also wonky!  though yours doesn’t look wonky at all.

I doubt we’ll get snow though - lashing down with rain at the moment

oh look, word verification is “english”

You’ve got me in the holiday spirit.  Now that we are pretty well done at work (my business makes fresh evergreen wreaths, garland, and centerpieces that we sell to groups for fund raising projects) I am ready to start filling my house up with the scent of evergreen!  Its snowing here too…again…still grin  Enjoy your beautiful,festive week-end.

No snow here, despite the predictions.  And the decor goes up this afternoon.  I hope ours turns out as beautiful as yours!

I like the new feature too, fun idea!

Becky, thanks! Happy Holidays to you too! I guess you’re getting snow today?

Mary, did you get snow in the city?

Letty, people have been getting very apropos verifications! Our tree is wonky on the top but from the angle I took the photo from it looks perfectly normal. From the side it looks like it’s leaning!

Debra, good! Although I can’t imagine you not being int he spirit given that your business makes wreaths and garlands. You’ve had a lot of snow this year so far! This is our first and it was a pretty good one for the first one! Four inches.

Susan, I thought you hated snow? smile I’m still decorating today ... endless!

We had snow this weekend - we had to drive to Salt Lake City to get it, though!  It was nice to look at, but not so fun to drive in.  Fun to head back south, today and watch the warm up from 6 degrees to 50 degrees!

Lovely tree!  It looks perfect with the lights on it!

Jan, I don’t like driving in it either! Glad you had a nice weekend getaway and got visit bebe bean!

The entrance to your house looks so festive and the tree is looking very pretty with the lights on - it’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas.

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Next entry: Winter Wonderland

Previous entry: Nights in White Satin**


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