Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Day 4: still no power

I think this might be the root of our problem:

Our street is the only one accessible because of this “minor” problem! It’s been like this for days now. The new estimate for us having power has now been moved to Thursday sometime. Until I see them working on this I won’t get my hopes up too much. This scene is played out all over the county.

Yesterday I heated water on the wood stove and washed my hair and took a sponge bath. Rick went to work and showered there (lucky man!) I suppose I could go down and take one too but it’s a long way and the traffic is not good because so many roads are closed. If I had a job I would probably take advantage of the public showers but no one sees me during the day except the cats and dogs anyway.

It’s hard to imagine in my little post apocalyptic bubble, but just a few miles down the road life is going on like normal. People have power, the ShopRite is open and restocking all their frozen goods. I went there yesterday just to get out of the house and then drove around to charge my iPad! I will probably do the same today.

Here are a few scenes from around the house.

Any ideas I may have once had about losing power being romantic and exciting went out the window on the second day.

Click on a picture to enlarge it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Lynne… you’re welcome to come on down and have that glass of wine in my warm house, take a hot shower and get fed a meal that you can see while charging your phone and or ipad…. you wouldn’t be the first to do so.  Doors always opened.  M

Thanks for the offer! Right now there is a crew working on our downed lines! Hopefully we’ll have power soon! smile I’ll keep you posted. When did you get power back?

We were lucky…. lost it early Sat. afternoon and got it back by 2pm on Sunday, just about the time I was wondering where I could go with my mom to keep her warm.  Old ladies, who are skin and bones get cold REALLY fast.

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