Friday, April 18, 2008

Frogs as a sleeping aid

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Tonight I am restless. It was a very warm day here in NJ and the night has not really cooled off much. I feel the need to go outside and just sit under the full (or nearly) moon. Like an ancient pagan goddess I sit drinking in the moonlight. Forget the Pope who is in the city and about to hand out blessings. I’ve left my Catholic upbringing well behind me. Right now nature is the only blessing I need.

The frogs lend a perfect backdrop to a moonlit night. A symphony of nature, and the only admission fee is simply sitting there. No crowds, no tickets. The only fee they ask is the time and patience to lend an ear.

The “peepers,” or young baby frogs, are the sopranos. Their constant peeping is the perfect foil for the bigger frogs who come in at just the right moment with their bass voices. Next, the tenors pitch in with their slightly higher tones. They make up their own musical piece as they go along, and somehow it just works. Completely mesmerizing.

I find myself lost in their music, drifting off into sleep while sitting on the hard board decking that leads to our back yard. But as much as I would like to, I can’t sleep in the yard under the full moon. With much resistance, I make myself come inside and to bed.


hello LL!!
sorry for crapness. i been so busy with moving and shifting and changes. all for the good. hope all is well. i get affected so much by the moon. i guess that makes me a loon. i lie in bed so awake wanting to sit atop a mountain howling like a wolf
see you soon

The moon, the peepers (they are just beginning to peep here), your sweet words—thank you!

What a beautiful, lyrical post! In my Druid animal deck, frogs represent the healing power of sound. They do make such an avant guarde music!

This full moon has kept me tossing and turning, too.

GREAT full moon pic. Very spooky.

Sleep well tonight!

Great picture, real spooky and mysterious—there was a great view from atop the mountain. Had breakfast on the deck this morning, real nice. Since today’s WM’s Beautification Day my friends and I are picking up trash and other litter along the road and in the woods today and tomorrow. (THANK GOD FOR SPRING BREAK) =]  I’m going on Greenwood Lake today on a family friend’s boat to bask in the sun, and okay, I get to drive, too! I’ve got a game tomorrow, is it suppose to rain?

When does the farmer’ marker in Warwick start up again?

hey pod, wonderful to hear from you. I know you’ve been a busy boy. Glad all is well.

Jane, thank you!

Reya, thanks. No wonder the frogs are soothing, I didn’t know that. I certainly hope I sleep better tonight. Glad you liked the pic, I took it handheld for that effect.

hey Luke, Glad you’re helping to keep our countryside clean. You were up on top of the mountain in the dark?? I don’t remember when the market starts—sometime in May?

Warm? did you say warm?....
I used to know what that meant, about 2 days ago.
Now I’m buried under a foot of snow looking outside at a blizzard…..sigh. I am so tired of winter.
See, I promised I’d be back more often.

Love the photo. We are still dropping to freezing most nights.  Too chilly to be out.

I laughed out loud with your comment about my sister and I looking like twins.  We used to get that all the time.  And it didn’t help that when making most all our clothes, Mom dressed us alike!

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