Thursday, April 17, 2008

A burst of yellow

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Spring has finally arrived! The forsythia hedge in front of the house is in glorious full bloom, filling my world with its cheery yellowyness. (Do you like that word?) You almost need sunglasses on in order to look at it, it’s that bright. Above it is seen through the panes of my front door. My neighbor Kim told me that every time she quickly glances over at our house it looks like a big yellow bus is parked in front of it! I can certainly understand why.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The weather has been gorgeous; sunny and warm this week with even higher temperatures in the 70s expected for the next few days. I’ve gotten out and raked the flowers beds clean of their protective winter covering of leaves and dead vegetation. I was surprised to see how much was coming up underneath all that. And just look at the progress my daffodils have made!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Things have been pretty quiet around here. I’ve been on my own (except for dogs and cats) since Rick left for Las Vegas last Friday. It gets lonely without him and I miss him a lot, but the normal daily patterns eventually shift and settle into new ones. I talk to myself (a lot), and to the animals. I’ve watched many episodes of “What Not to Wear” and am convinced that my entire closet should be tossed. I’ve taken the dogs almost daily for a walk. I’ve read two books. I’ve become accustomed to being by myself.

But all that is about to change in a big way. This afternoon I pick my sister up from the train station for her six day visit. She likes to get [already] noisy Alex “talking” even more than he normally does. Then within a few hours of her arrival, Rick will be home again. It will be quite a change from the past week, but I’m ready!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


Absolutely gorgeous.  Just this past week the forsythia have lit up around town. (along with the ‘for rent’ signs…another sure sign of spring and CSU graduation!)

How I would love to have a 6 day visit with my sister….

How pretty!
No flowers blooming here yet, however the sun was sparkling of the water on the Arm today.

Haha I’m sure you can handle the excitement. Weather has been great the past couple of days, it’s great being outside and not feeling cold. You should see if you can get any spooky pictures of tonight’s full mooon. I was taking Tucker for a run and the way it reflects off the yellowyness (great vocabulary =]) of the forsythia is pretty cool.
P.S—I predict that we’ll all be engulfed in greenery from the trees the first week of May.

hmmm i found What Not to Wear too compulsive (LG LOVED it) - is it the Brit. Susanna and Trinny one? - but those women REALLY pissed me off!

that first photo is fabulously wonderful

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