Sunday, August 02, 2009

A sunny day for a change

Yesterday was a lovely, sunny day. We spent most of the afternoon in and around the pool soaking in the golden rays. These kinds of days have been pretty far and few between this year so we have to take advantage of them as they come along. It was nice having Rick back home again too.

Late in the afternoon we decided to take the canoe down to Green Turtle Pond and paddle to the area where I had seen so many mushrooms earlier in the week. The lake was full of people enjoying the day. Some were swimming, some were floating, some were paddling around in kayaks. As we were unloading the canoe one man said “Nice stripper!” I assumed he was referring to the canoe and not me.

We paddled over to the little lagoon and beached the canoe.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We found a few mushrooms, but most of the ones I had seen were gone by now. Rick demonstrates how big this one was.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Another purple one, this time cupped enough to be store some water.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

This one I thought was pretty.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Back in the canoe we tried paddling over to this turtle sunning himself on a rock, but he was too shy and plopped into the water before we got close enough to get a good shot of him.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

A little further on we came to this flock of geese enjoying the pond too.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We got too close for comfort for them too, and they took flight.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

That was yesterday. Today is a whole different story outside. Take a look.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Oh well. At least we had a good day yesterday!


Looks you had a grand time yesterday enjoying the sunny day! Very nice shots at the pond.

I think you are very brave to take your camera in the canoe!  Or maybe you are a better canoe-r than I am ....

At least you got 1 day of sun in!  When we were in Jersey this year it rained every day.  Clayton and I got 2 hours in at the beach before the monsoon came.  It was really crappy.  Then we came home to more rain. 
I’d like to take my son on a walk after work…but seems like it rains every night, we have barely used his stroller, and I haven’t made it swimming even once :(

How peaceful and pretty!  I had no idea mushrooms got that big.  Do you eat them?

Margaret: it was lovely!

Jan: I carry it in a waterproof bag when not in use. Our canoe is very stable!

Katie, yes, lots and lots of rain this year. Sorry it rained on your shore holiday!

Allison: We do eat some mushrooms, but not those. I have no idea what kind they are. We only eat the ones we are 100% sure about. Most of the ones I take photos of I wouldn’t eat—too dangerous!

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