Thursday, September 08, 2011

Battered, Beaten, and Soggy

Lynne Robinson, New Jersey

That’s the way I felt this morning. We’ve had rain for two days now. Last night it seemed like every time I dropped off to sleep another thunderstorm rolled through with thunder to wake me up and lightning to flash at my closed eyelids. It poured! We got 2.80 inches just since midnight. Add that to the 2.47 inches we got on Tuesday, the .59 inches yesterday and you get a grand total of 6.94 inches. That’s just about the same amount Irene left us with only one week ago! Enough already!

It’s standing room only in our little creek before it makes its first cascade down the little falls.

Lynne Robinson, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, New Jersey

The second falls.

Lynne Robinson, New Jersey

My feet were going squish squish squish as I was dodging large puddles of standing water while taking these photos. It’s really saturated in the lower part of our yard. Thank goodness our house is situated uphill from all this. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much moisture around since we’ve lived here.

Our un-split stack of wood likes to grow fungi in rain like this. I love the ruffly look of them.

Lynne Robinson, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, New Jersey

Here is a coral mushroom that I found growing near the road. Actually there were quite a few of them all in the same spot. They are rather odd looking.

Lynne Robinson, New Jersey

This butterfly found a nice place to rest after the storm on my butterfly bush. I cut my butterfly bush back too late this spring, so it is just now blooming. Better late than never!

Lynne Robinson, New Jersey

I’m hoping this rainy trend stops soon.



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Elizabeth, hurray! Success all-around! Glad it’s working for you! Thanks for letting me know and commenting!

I actually saw sun and some blue sky when I got up this morning.  The coral mushroom really DOES look like coral!  Have never seen that before.

Carolyn, the coral mushrooms come in many different colors too. They only show up in super damp conditions.

Sun is shining in Morristown…... ground is too soggy for our planned backpacking trip this week-end, but I’m sure we’ll find SOMETHING else to do.  Bike riding? soggy hiking? motorcycle riding?  Ren Faire?  Time will tell.

Maggie, the sun is out here too and very humid! I wouldn’t suggest bike riding unless you’re into mud bikes and the Ren Faire might be a good bet although it’s going to still be very muddy there with lots of puddles for your medieval skirt to drag through! Last week was pretty soggy and now it’s only going to be worse. But of course you know that since your kids work there!

Please don’t eat those mushrooms!!!!!

Bigsis, don’t worry ... they aren’t edible! smile Just unique!

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