I know I’ve been lax in posting this week. I’ve been busy. Shopping for a special dress. Shoes to go with that dress. Every day involves going somewhere and shopping. I am tired of shopping! I am used to being pretty much a homebody.
And now I only have one thing left on my list: jewelry. I know you are wondering (or maybe not) why all this frantic shopping. Remember I alluded to something special, a black tie affair? Soon all will be revealed. I just have to sit down long enough to blog about it! But, it’s happening in less than four weeks now, so I need to update you very soon!
Hints: Beverly Hills. A Golden Man. Maybe or maybe not a Red Carpet.
Cannot wait to hear about this! I hate shopping too - a New Year’s resolution for 2011 was not to buy any clothing…and I succeeded. This year, the same except for necessities (and we know what they are)and I’m adding camera equipment to the list (except for memory cards). Wait a minute! Are you going to the Oscars? OMG!
Posted by
Helene on January 13 2012 at 10:47 PM
na-na-na-na-na-na! I know but I’m not telling….looking forward to the blog post,tho!
Wish I were there to shop with you. I NEVER get tired of shopping, as you know!
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on January 14 2012 at 01:58 PM
Helene : 
Bigsis, Yes you know the whole story, the dress, etc. You might just get tired of shopping if this was the case. Even neighbor Kim who is the shopaholic of all times told me she was not looking forward to her shop for the “mother of the groom dress” after seeing Claire and I shop for our special gowns. Shoes found yesterday. Only jewelry left and that’s going to be pricey.
Stay tuned!
Posted by
Lynne on January 14 2012 at 07:09 PM
What color is the dress? Shoes? What does it look like? I know too, but won’t give it away. However, the dress and shoes I could care less about, but if I lived closer I could definitely help out with the jewelry shopping!! 
Posted by
Carolyn Clarke on January 15 2012 at 10:44 AM
Sounds so exciting Lynne! Cant wait to hear more and see photos of your outfit. (on a side note….sorry if my email address sent you a bad link. I got hacked! GGGRRR. Think its all better now but damage was done - emails went out to friends and business associates.)
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on January 15 2012 at 10:57 AM
I’m so excited for you. I’m a homebody too but it’s great to have the odd very special trip to look forward to. Looking forward to hearing all about it.
Posted by
Joyce on January 15 2012 at 12:01 PM
Carolyn, patience my dear, all will be revealed!
Debra, I had no ill effects from your email ... yet. 
Joyce, I do not like to fly particularly and all the way across our vast country is not my favorite, but it has to be done for this special event. Hopefully today I will get some time to devote again to this blog!
Posted by
Lynne on January 16 2012 at 05:20 AM
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