Saturday, June 02, 2012

Bella’s Day

hi everyone! it’s me, bella! i just wanted to share the day i had the other day with you.

i wented wading in the beaver pond. it’s my most favorite thing to do up here. the pond has lots more water in it than the last time i was here.

i don’t swim but i get really wet.

somehow i got a gash above my eye. i guess a branch got me when i was running through the woods. mommy said it wasn’t bad, just a surface scratch but i don’t have any hair there now. it does not bother me at all.

there is a great mud puddle on the walk and before mom and dad could stop me i laided down in it. such fun! here is what i looked like after the mud puddle.

then i wented and played on the little bit of snow that is still around and that helped get me un-muddied.

after dinner we wented for a ride. here are alex and hailey enjoying it but you won’t see me with my head out the window cuz i don’t like it.

daddy tooked some slow-motion movies of me too. you can see them by following this link and this link and one last link here. mom and dad think they are funny but i don’t get the humor of it all. it’s just me being me after all.

p.s. daddy said to tell you that what you see in the movies is really one second of real time but the movies last about 40 seconds each.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad at the cabin 8,650 feet above sea level


Cuz Bella,
At leastes you didn’t hab to be a clean girl. That is what mom says when we have to get bafs. Ponds, Puddles and Dirty Snow look like fun, but then we doosent know for shur becuz we arent aloud. we lib lifes like city dogs. (deep sighs)
love & bones,
Lucy and Sookie

Cuzzes Lucy & Sookie,
did your mom let you watch the movies of me? if not, you should really watch them and see how much fun it is to be a country dog!

Cuz Bella,
We cdnt get it to go…but we tryd. we really wants to see yus in all yur glory, but we doosent know what to does… guess we shuld ask Dadddy
God when he comes homes. HE knows eberything.

Wow, you can really get an appreciation for all that HAIR in those slow-mo videos!

cuzzes, i have no idea why you can’t look at the movies. did you click on the link? it should take you to something called youtube.

Steve, I know, those long flowing locks of hers! All that hair also collects sticks and other things while dashing through the woods!

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