Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Fifty to One

IMG 3000

No, those are not betting odds! That is the temperature swing we had between yesterday morning and this morning. Yesterday morning it was 50 degrees F and pouring rain with fog. Very strange. Throughout the day the temperature kept dropping. Here is a photo I took of the ice melting on the pool cover because I loved the reflection.

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And here it is about one hour later: frozen!

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A very strange day. This morning our weather station registered 1.2 degrees F with a minus wind chill. I think it’s about 8 degrees F outside right now at 2:30 p.m. Up and down — a weather yo-yo.

Hailey did not like the freezing rain we had the night before last. She stayed covered up in the towel I used to dry her off when she came in.

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I can’t believe it’s really been a whole week since I last blogged. I am really falling down on the job here. I will try to do better in the weeks to come. Promise!


Hugs to Hailey.  I didn’t like the freezing rain either.  Was afraid it would be really icy driving this morning but the wind helped dry things out.  We had a light layer of snow on everything when I got up this morning.  That’s about the temperature swing we had here too.  And by Saturday it be back close to 50 again!

Such crazy weather we’ve been having!

I definitely do not envy you all this weather! I’m with Hailey!

Move over, Hailey!  Me and the bullies are all about being covered up and snuggly, especially with our crazy temps—6 degrees yest. AM and never got above 24 all day…that’s a record- breaker for us. 9 degrees this AM, but getting warmer!

Everyone: thanks for commenting! Normally Hailey does not even like being dried off when she comes in but this time she let me dry her off and she walked off with the towel still on her!

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