Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gifts that keep giving

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

This beautiful amaryllis has given me great joy. It was given to me for my birthday back in December by my neighbor, Aileen. It is now on its third and final flowering stalk. It saved its best show for last: six huge blossoms! It graces my kitchen window and drinks in the southerly sun. Outside my window the no-longer-winter-not-quite-spring landscape is drab and colorless. When I took it outside on my deck yesterday to snap these photos, it injected my brown outside world with a jolt of color.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

This is the first amaryllis that I’ve ever had, but it certainly won’t be my last. Next year I vow to pot at least two different varieties. So lovely. It asked nothing of me except for sun and water and gave everything it had back.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Spring is coming, I know. There is a change in the air. It smells different; feels different on my skin. I saw my first robin this past weekend, and the little fox sparrow that scratches around like a tiny chicken has shown up at my feeder for the first time this year. 

Soon our trees will leaf out, and the world outside my window will be a sea of green. I long to open my windows wide and let the beautiful song of the wood thrush fill this house once again.

Poking around in my flower beds the other day I came across proof that the earth is starting to stir again. More gifts that keep giving. Soon ... soon, spring will come.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


Beautiful amaryllis, and you photographed it so well against the blue, blue sky.  I had one last year, a Christmas gift from my niece and her husband.  It was my first, and I hope not my last.

I love your photo of the soon-to-be spring bulb sprouting ... wow!

Hope you and yours are well.  Thinking of you.


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