Tuesday, December 17, 2013

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like ... Winter!

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 (Sing to the tune of “It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas”)

and yes, I made up the lyrics


It s beginning to

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This pretty much sums up our weather lately. On Saturday/Saturday night we got about 8 inches of snow, the last inch or so of that was a nice layer of ice from the freezing rain. Right now as I type it’s snowing again outside! I wish the snow would stick around (no pun intended) until Christmas but we are supposed to be warming up to temperatures in the 50’s with rain, so it might all wash away in a big pile of slush. Boohoo. Hopefully some of it will remain. At least it looks Christmas-y outside right now. 

These scenes are from Green Turtle Pond that I took yesterday on my little walk. The shadows were so blue.


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While snowplowing the drive with Johnny Saturday, Rick went over the edge of the driveway by mistake and got stuck in the snow. We had to get the Surburban and hook up a tow rope to Johnny. Rick got on Johnny and I got in the truck and slowly backed up. It worked! Fun and games in the winter weather, and it isn’t even officially winter yet by the calendar.

Like I said, today it is snowing and I am being lazy around the wood stove. Remember just the other day I was remarking how we never see the turkeys anymore? Well, lo and behold, when I looked out the front window a little while ago, there they were! Twelve of them! I was so happy to see them!

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I was thinking I could revise my little made-up lyrics yet again. Bear with me and maybe I can make you smile today. Here we go …




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Okay, maybe I’m being a little bit silly today. Did I get you to sing along?









Of course I sang along!  Love the shadows; they are very blue.  Yay, the turkeys are back.  I guess it took the snow to cover the ground to get them out scrounging for food.  Hope the fox was taking a nap while they were there.  Sing along with these lyrics:
“It’s beginning to feel a lot like winter, very, very cold.  The kitties are shivering, birdies are on the wing, looking for food among the snowy flakes.”
Yeah, that needs some work but I tried.  Getting a little snow tonight but only a few inches again.  Afraid it will definitely be gone in a few days.

C, glad I got you singing! I’m sure glad the turkeys showed up too. In fact, they came back three times today. Don’t know where they’ve been. I have not seen any tracks leading to the fox hole, so not sure where the fox is living these days. We still hear it at night.
I think you did a great job with the lyrics! smile

Yes, you had me singing and grinning along. I have a feeling that I will be making up all sorts of silly lyrics to that song over the next few days in homage to you…in spite of not having any snow.  smile

You hear a fox at night? I have to ask, what does the fox say?  (another silly song stuck in my head)

Susan, good for you, glad I got you singing too! Are you back to blogging again? I’ll have to come and visit you! Yes, we have a fox around that likes to make noise in the wee hours of the morning. I am not familiar with that song about “what does the fox say”. Is it a children’s song?

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