Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Jeepers, Creepers, WOW do we have PEEPERS!

No, quit thinking like that. Not window peepers, jeez you guys! Froggy-like peepers. They love the rain most of all, but almost every night—rain or not—they are peeping away in our back yard. A chorus of silly, tiny frogs! We were sitting out a few nights ago and just enjoying the cool evening after dinner and we noticed Sailor’s odd behavior. Now those of you that have met Sailor, know that he is a dog that likes to stick pretty close to you so he can be petted and coddled to the max. Not so this night. We observed him halfway down the yard, just sitting. The minute the peepers started their song he would cock his head from side to side, just listening. Probably thinking to himself “what the heck is that noise?”. He was just too cute cocking and tilting his head to and fro. The minute the peepers stopped, so did he. I wish I could share a photo with you, but some things you just have to keep in your head. This was one of those times.


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  • Big sis, but so not fair that I got stuck with the organ! :( Please,…

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