Sunday, February 16, 2014

No Light Yet

IMG 3449

 A buried STOP sign in town.

At the end of the snow tunnel, that is. We got three more inches yesterday. When we turned on our news (which is NYC Channel 7 News) Amy Freeze the meteorologist (and yes, that is her REAL name), didn’t even want to give the weather report. Yes, more snow is headed our way Monday night into Tuesday. Maybe as much as 5 inches! 

We did have a slight thaw on Friday as it got up to 36 degrees and the snow height went down a little, only to be topped up again. 

We are having hamburgers and french fries tonight. Think we should fire up the grill?

IMG 3459


And eat outside on the deck?

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What’s that? You said you’ll pass? Hmm … I guess we will too. Too much work. Too cold.

We did go to the RV show yesterday but they didn’t have the exact T@B model we were looking for. In typical Lucy fashion, it was a bit smaller than we had envisioned it but it did not deter us. It was tiny inside, but the cutest thing we have ever seen and so well made. A real classic that will hold its value. We were amazed at the work and thought that goes into the manufacturing of these tiny trailers. 

We found a dealer in Pennsylvania that’s about two hours away that has the exact model we were hoping to see, so tomorrow we will drive down and take a look at it. Rick can’t really stand up fully inside and he’s worried about cooking in the inside kitchen, so this will be interesting to see. The one they had at the RV show was the clamshell model with the kitchen outside under a lift-up hatch instead of being inside. I don’t really want to be cooking everything outside and we both agree it *must* have the wet bath included. We are also taking the dogs to see how that would work. It could be an interesting day!

In the meantime we will bide our time until Friday when it’s supposed to reach the tropical temperature of nearly fifty degrees. Woohoo!


Good Grief!  Enough already with the snow!!!  I got my snow fix last week, thankyouverymuch, and am kinda glad to see it go.  I’ve decided I love it coming down, but not so much getting around in a foot of it here in the south especially with our not-plowed back roads. You poor things—-can’t believe your deck!

Am excited about the little trailer and may go to an RV show here in Charlotte.

Love the pic in your last post of your “snow light.”  Submit it for publication!

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