Thursday, February 09, 2012

Planes, Academy Awards!, etc.

Tomorrow we leave for HOLLYWOOD. My stomach is starting to do flip-flops in anticipation of the exciting dress-up event and at the dread of being on an airplane for 5+ hours.

Flying used to be enjoyable, even fun, when I was a child and even when we lived in Europe. I never minded it a bit. I always looked at the journey as an adventure. Of course, that was back in the day before 9-11 and before the skies became so crowded. Also in the day when we used to fly business class (on the company). Now the seats are so close together you can’t really move. If you drop something on the floor or want to get something out of your purse that is under the seat in front of you, forget it! You have to be a contortionist. And that’s if the person in front of you has not reclined their seat any, otherwise you could watch the screen in their seatback about two inches from your nose. You can’t check your baggage for free. You can’t eat for free. You can’t even watch the movie for free. No, flying is not fun anymore.

I’m a little concerned about carrying on my dress. I am going to see if the flight crew will hang it for me, otherwise it will have to be carefully folded over and put in the overhead compartment. We all know how people are with their carry-on luggage these days since no one wants to pay the fee to check it. They are overly aggressive in trying to jam their piece of luggage in to make it fit. So, I will have to guard my overhead space with claws drawn. I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that.

My plan is to get to the airport early and eat some lunch which will include a glass of wine (or two) to make me mellow.

Later today Rick and I will do a “dress rehearsal” with him trying on his tux to make sure he knows how it all goes together and me trying to decide if a need to wear a bra under my gown or not. To date I have not tried on the dress with a bra since it does have a sort of built-in bra and the bodice has some boning, so not sure if the extra fabric will will work since the dress has been taken in some.

I am not stressing about the “what to take?” element of my trip since I won’t be there very long. I did order a cute tunic top online last week which has yet to arrive. The tracking on the package assures me that it will arrive today, but will it fit properly? My wardrobe this weekend depends upon it. Okay, maybe I do have a little bit of stress about what to wear.

So that’s all of have for you today! Check back after the weekend for updates!


I agree…I do not like to fly at all.  A royal pain for sure. Crossing fingers that your dress makes the trip ok.  Are you going to take a photo of you and Rick together all dressed up???  That would be wonderful to see…hint hint hint.
I am so excited for you…a fairy tale weekend!  I can hardly wait to read all about it and see some photos too!

Can’t wait to see the pictures!  Have a blast smile  We have a 6 am flight out of Newark to Jackson Hole and I couldn’t agree more about traveling by plane… what a crappy way to start a vacation ~scowl

OMG!  I’m stressing for/with you!  But this is so exciting.  I haven’t traveled much in my life - maybe someday I’ll get to do more - but you are right…it’s no picnic anyway you cut it.  Enjoy every minute of this adventure!  Lots of photos please!!!

Oh I am so excited for you and can’t wait for an update.  Go and enjoy yourself and know that you will look fabulous in the outfit you have chosen.

Are you back?  Where’s your post about your adventures in Hollywood!!  We’re waiting - not so patiently!  grin

C, Yes, back but slow to respond! All is good, but the 3 hour time change is kicking my butt right now. Patience is a virtue. Or, so they say. smile

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