Saturday, September 07, 2013

Poolside on a Chilly Night

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Come on in, the water's warm! I'm certain you are all tired of hearing about our warm pool but please bear with me—it's still new to us. Last night Rick built a fire in our little fire pit. It burned merrily while we swam a few lengths. The water was nice and warm but it was pretty darned chilly out. I risked having my camera in the water with me to take the above photo. Pretty scary. 

We made a mad dash for our towels and robes when we got out and sat around the fire with a shot of whiskey and just talked. My robe smells like wood smoke this morning, but it was worth it.

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Bottom's up!

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Today we are off to the Renn Faire! The weather should be perfect for it.


Brrr!  It was in the low 40s when I got up this morning.  Heat on!  Supposed to warm up to mid 70s.  Fare thee well at the Renn Faire.  Eyes peeled for the TreeMan and Gi Shiata.

Those pics are beautiful and look s-o-o-o- inviting. I want to be there!

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