Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Settling In

Our new “street” sign.

I am attempting to blog from my iPad this morning instead of using Rick’s computer. I have a nifty little program called BlogPress, so we’ll see how it goes. Please bear with me if the photos come out smaller, or something else weird goes on. I may switch back if this experiment doesn’t work.

I am sitting at the table looking out the window at the stellar jays having their breakfast of peanuts at the bird feeder. The sun is just now high enough to light up our pines in the newly opened meadow. It looks like it’s going to be a nice day.

Rats aside, the cabin feels like home. We don’t have to adjust, nor does it feel foreign even though we’ve not been here for a year. When we’re here; we’re home. When we’re at our house in New Jersey (which we love); we’re home. The dogs and cats feel the same way. They do have different behavioral patterns here which they just fall into from the moment they arrive. Take Sam for example, on the cat tree that Rick built for the cats on the porch.

The dogs seem to play more. Alex and Bella like to play tug-a-toy and most of the time Alex initiates the play.

The aspens are just now thinking about changing. Strange, because last year this time they were well on their way. There are only a few actually changing right now, while the others are only showing the barest hint of yellow. We’re hoping they get on with it while we are here! Bring on the golden show!

Here are some sky shots from our walk the night before last just before dinner.

We sat on the porch with the oil lanterns lit and listened to the wind sighing through the trees. No owl. No coyotes. Just the wind. No television that night. Just to bed.

I feel like I am one day behind in my blogging due to the rat story, so I will probably post again today. Stay tuned for more cabin-y news.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


That worked great as far as I can see!  Love to read about the goings on in Colorado!

No fair - I’m doing a post on clouds too.  I took them a few days ago when we had a great sky here.  Looks like everyone feels right at home.

Elizabeth, yes it seems to be working! Glad you are enjoying our vacation too!

Carolyn, it’s not a post about clouds; just some pics of the sky which I always do when I’m here. The western sky is so dramatic!

We have been away for a few days and I have just been reading your blogs - I am petrified of rats and would have been hysterical to know they had been through the house.  I do hope you have managed to see them off as the photos of the area are so beautiful, it must be a real joy to go to bed and wake up with such magnificant views.

Joyce, the pack rats don’t look like normal rats. They really are kind of cute if they weren’t so nasty. They look like a squirrel crossed with a rat: furry, long tail that has more hair than a rat tail. Really, they are kind of cute to look at. Sorry, I don’t have any pics other than when they are dead. smile
The views are magnificent, the rats not so much. I think with yesterday’s dead rat in the engine that might have been it. No new activity!

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