Thursday, September 05, 2013

Wait and See

IMG 1372

That pretty much sums up Alex's treatments over the past couple of weeks. I haven't posted any updates on him because it's been pretty much up and down. The last round of a new drug two weeks ago didn't make a dent at all. In fact, one of his other lymph nodes under his chin started to grow. Last week the vet could not give him yet another new drug because the drug the previous week (the one that did basically nothing) has a tendency to attack the bone marrow and we had to give his blood cells a chance to recover. 

So, last week he received a round of the very first drug he got in the beginning. We noticed within 24 hours that the lump started to go down. By Sunday we could barely feel it. It felt good to see it go down so drastically. But by Monday it had grown again, and yesterday on his vet visit it was pretty much back to where it was before. We were discouraged but the vet was actually encouraged since the other lymph node was now "behaving itself" and was normal again. Plus, Alex had a really good week of feeling great and eating well, which to me it pretty darned important. He actually made progress instead of going backwards.

Yesterday he received a new drug which we are hoping will make his other lymph node "behave" for longer than a week. We just have to wait and see. He has another appointment next week to reevaluate where he is before we take off for the cabin.

We are still doing the Colorado cabin trip, but depending on what happens between now and his next appointment, we may have to delay by a few days to get another appointment in. It would be nice to leave on an "up" note!

Speaking of the cabin, my thoughts are whirling around in my head. I've started marking recipes to make while we are there, rounding up the books and knitting projects I want to take, and just gathering things in general in the spare bedroom. "To Do" lists have started to form. The truck had been serviced and is getting all nicely clean and detailed today. The girls will go the groomer right before we leave to get their "detailing" and Alex will get his bath and blow dry here at home this weekend. Preparations have begun! Can't wait.


Photo: Early morning spider web between the deck rails.


Good to hear the vet was encouraged.  Keep up the good work, Alex!  Just the change of pace at the cabin may help too since he’s so happy there.  Sending good wishes for more positive results!!!

Thanks for the good wishes, C! I’ll pass it along to Alex!

Love and best wishes to my boy, Alex!

Have fun getting ready. I can imagine all you have to do to get ready for a trip like that.

Big sis, thanks and I’ll pass it along to Alex. There is a lot to think about, especially taking the animals with us!

Thanks for the update. This may be a silly question, but would it make sense to surgically remove the affected lymph nodes and then give him chemo to kill off whatever might be left elsewhere in his lymphatic system?

Steve, unfortunately not—it’s all connected. Even with radiation they have to do full body radiation and it’s not recommended.

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