Friday, August 24, 2012

Weekend Plans

IMG 3991
This little hummingbird was a surprise bonus in my flower shot!

Our plans for the weekend our pretty simple.

Take the canoe out on Green Turtle Pond.
We didn’t even take it out once last year because of my muscle problems, and not yet this year. Bad us.

Eat fresh figs. (They are ripening at a fast pace this year!)
Wrap them with pancetta and grill/broil them and drink Prosecco!

Camp out Saturday night on the air mattress in the cabana by the pool. (For a few hours at least!)

Hopefully swim some. (Although the pool temp has dropped drastically.)

Maybe dress up in our renaissance garb and head to the Ren Faire.
Drink mead. Watch bawdy shows.

I’ll keep you posted on how well we do following our plans!





1.  Awesome
2.  What time is lunch/dinner??  smile
3.  Sounds easier than our planned hike to camp
4.  I jumped in last night 71 degrees
5.  Wanna rent out your garb for a day?? 

Enjoy your week-end!

1. Yes!
2. Hmm, let me see ... I’ll write you privately.
3. Much lazier.
4. Ouch. Ours is hovering around 74/75
5. Sure, when are you going?

Your hummingbird picture is AMAZING! Bravo!

Those sound like great plans. Especially the figs! Yum!

Thanks, Steve! I was focusing on the flowers when he flew in and I clicked the shutter, not expecting him to be in focus!

Great shot especially since it was by accident.  Belly dancers at the Faire this year.  Don’t remember that before.  Say hi to Ded Bob for me!

C, thank you! Sometimes the best shots come out of accidents! I think they had belly dancers last year but we didn’t see them. Ded Bob ... yeah not sure we’ll see him again but I’ll tell him hello from you!

I just love your humming bird photo.  Sounds like a fun weekend.

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Next entry: Weekend Plans: Update

Previous entry: Wing Walker


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