Saturday, May 11, 2013

What the Rain Brings

 I took my camera for a walk around our yard after the rain the other day.

Here is what I found of interest.

 Rain Drops

IMG 9092


IMG 9122


IMG 9135



When I mowed the yard unfortunately I had to mow some violets. I have never seen so many violets in our yard!

IMG 9165


IMG 9166

Dwarf Iris

IMG 9181


A Busy BumbleBee

IMG 9206


Blooming "Orange Goo" Fungus

Remember last year? This time I caught it as it was drying up, but still creepy.

IMG 9162



Rick found these mushroom gems growing in their same old spot.

IMG 9190


Another crop of beautiful photos. Love the raindrop pics and the violets.

I guess you will be eating those morels this weekend??  Enjoy!

I was afraid it was going to be the year of no morals.

Terrific photos! Love the bee and the raindrops. Your violets are (were?) much larger and more numerous than ours!

The morels look great. Do you eat them?

I was thinking slime mold re. that strange orange goo. Sounds like it could be related.

Hi Bigsis! Thank you so much. Yes, the morels will feature in our meal plan somewhere!

Rick, you’re very funny!

Steve, thank you. The bee was very obliging but this was my favorite shot of him. The violets still are, at least in this spot. I tried to miss as many as I could and still have the yard look decent.

Yes! We eat all the morels we can find in the spring. One year we found about ten or so—very exciting and very delicious.

Re the slime mold: it might be related. This particular fungus attacks only cedar trees. It’s called cedar apple rust and I found this last year:

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