Thursday, June 21, 2012

Yesterday’s Visitor

Yesterday as I dragged the recycle up the driveway to the curb I noticed something in the other part of the driveway right in front of the door. From a distance I couldn’t see what it was. Maybe a pile of bear poo? Whatever it was was in the shadows and kind of circular which led me to guess the bear had left a present.

No! It was this guy.

IMG 1640

I have only seen one other turtle here and that was the first year we lived here. I have no idea where he came from on this fine hot and humid morning.

Look at the beautiful pattern on his shell. I looked him up and came up with Eastern Box Turtle as the type of turtle he is.

IMG 1623

He was not too sure about me and was giving me the old turtle “stink eye.” Plus, you think he could have at least finished finished chewing his leafy breakfast!

IMG 1627

I took quite a few photos of him and since he was so nervous about me I left him to go about his business whatever it was. I wouldn’t mind if he decided to come back again.

IMG 1642

P.S. I picked up my new “new” camera two days ago and am still trying to get used to the differences between it and my old camera. There are quite a few new features!


Isn’t he stunning?!! I think we have those turtles here in NC. Anyway, I love his shell (and his “stockings.” You were right to let him go about his business, (he could take your finger off). However, it would have been nice if you discreetly told him he had something in his teeth!

What a handsome guy (or beautiful girl?).  His shell is really gorgeous and so intricate.

Bigsis, his"stockings’ are really gnarly, I have to admit that he really wanted badly up from the driveway so I did pick him up by the shell and deposited him on the grass above the driveway. I learned my lesson a long the ago with a snapping turtle we saved that was in the middle of the road in Co .  Never again will I put my hands in the area of one of them! I felt safe with this guy’girl to pick it up based on its reaction and knowing it was not a snapper.

C., who knows the sex of turtles? I think this was a he and not a she for whatever reason known to me. smile

Very cool!  Love the colors!

He’s beautiful—and so are your photos!

Turtles are such weird creatures. I mean, really.

Helene, me too!

Steve, I thought his shell was spectacular. Thanks! Yes, they look very dinosaur-ish and when you think about their life in that shell and how long it must take to grow a shell like that. Very weird.

What?  You didn’t put on gloves?????!!!!  wink

What a beautifully marked turtle - it would be interesting to know where he came from.

Joyce, I too would like to know! We have a boggy bit to our property here, but I don’t know why he was in my driveway!

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