Guests can read posts, but you must become a member to post
Posted: 14 July 2005 12:59 AM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  410
Joined  2004-07-16

Becoming a member is easy. Just click on “register” at the top of the screen. You will be required to provide a username (for logging on), a password, a screen name (the name you’ll be known by on the forum), and a valid email address.

I need the email address to verify you are a real person. You’d be surprised how many hackers and spammers try to clog up my site. I promise never to share your email address. I may (very rarely) send an email to all registered users to inform them of really important topics related to the discussion forums and my main web site. I think I’ve done this twice in two years. (I’ll probably send an email notifying existing members of this new forums area, for example).

You must agree to some very simple and common sense “terms of service”.

Once you are validated as a member, you can post topics and responses to other topics on this site. And, you can create a personal profile and join the community.


Rick Robinson
