Take a very good look at this wonderful cartoon that friend Rand Kruback did for us as a gift. Rand is an old HP friend from way back and has recently been doing the yearly calendars for Vision Research. Don't forget to notice the Phantom camera strapped in there!
This blog post of ours on Off the Grid inspired him.
I think he captured us pretty well right down to Rick's curly hair! A Bernese Mountain Dog, wine, Cooking "901" and more! What do you see ? We will treasure this, thank you Rand for being so generous with your amazing talent!
In the new year, COLORADO OR BUST, for sure.
Posted by Lynne on 12/26/2015 at 06:57 AM
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Fire Truck Santa a few years ago.
Last night Fire Truck Santa finally came by. I had been waiting for him all day. It was dark by the time he arrived in his sleigh aboard a flat bed trailer, pulled by the local fire department's truck. Poor Santa, no snow for his sleigh. He used to come by as pictured above but he's been upgraded in the past few years to a more comfortable ride. I have to say that had I seen this sight as a child I would have been entranced and delighted. Santa! Oh heck, I'm still delighted even if the fire trucks do make a lot of noise on our quiet little cul-de-sac. Santa arrives with flashing lights and sirens you can't miss him.
I was in my "house only" slippers and thought I would be satisfied peeking through the curtains. But I wasn't. I grabbed a $20 bill from Rick, turned on our outside driveway lights and headed up to the street. He was stopped at our neighbors at the end of the cul-de-sac and I couldn't really see what was going on. I was hoping that either the Corbetts or the Murrays were also contribuitng to the Christmas cheer.
It took them a long time to finish whatever was going on, but the truck finally pulled up next to me. Santa was not in his sleigh but sitting in the passenger side of the truck. I jokingly asked him why he wasn't in the sleigh and he said "Santa's pooped out!" He had his beard and hat off by then. I guess he figured I was grown up enough not to care. But I sort of did. I told him that I'd been watching for him all day and that they were late this year. He said there were just so many kids out this year that it took longer than usual. We were their last stop before heading back to the station.
I told him that our house was sold and we were leaving so I wouldn't be seeing them next year. He said he was sorry to see me go, we'll miss you, he said. He asked a few more questions like where were we moving and the like. I told him that I had thoroughly enjoyed his visit each year and I'd miss him too.
Really, if a volunteer fire department solicits for donations, what better way than Santa in a sleigh?
Posted by Lynne on 12/21/2015 at 11:59 AM
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