Sunday, February 16, 2014

No Light Yet

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 A buried STOP sign in town.

At the end of the snow tunnel, that is. We got three more inches yesterday. When we turned on our news (which is NYC Channel 7 News) Amy Freeze the meteorologist (and yes, that is her REAL name), didn’t even want to give the weather report. Yes, more snow is headed our way Monday night into Tuesday. Maybe as much as 5 inches! 

We did have a slight thaw on Friday as it got up to 36 degrees and the snow height went down a little, only to be topped up again. 

We are having hamburgers and french fries tonight. Think we should fire up the grill?

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And eat outside on the deck?

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What’s that? You said you’ll pass? Hmm … I guess we will too. Too much work. Too cold.

We did go to the RV show yesterday but they didn’t have the exact T@B model we were looking for. In typical Lucy fashion, it was a bit smaller than we had envisioned it but it did not deter us. It was tiny inside, but the cutest thing we have ever seen and so well made. A real classic that will hold its value. We were amazed at the work and thought that goes into the manufacturing of these tiny trailers. 

We found a dealer in Pennsylvania that’s about two hours away that has the exact model we were hoping to see, so tomorrow we will drive down and take a look at it. Rick can’t really stand up fully inside and he’s worried about cooking in the inside kitchen, so this will be interesting to see. The one they had at the RV show was the clamshell model with the kitchen outside under a lift-up hatch instead of being inside. I don’t really want to be cooking everything outside and we both agree it *must* have the wet bath included. We are also taking the dogs to see how that would work. It could be an interesting day!

In the meantime we will bide our time until Friday when it’s supposed to reach the tropical temperature of nearly fifty degrees. Woohoo!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Is There Light at the End of the Snow Tunnel?

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Our front light post last night just after sunset.

Sigh. Yesterday during the day we got about a foot of snow. It stopped snowing just after 1:00 p.m., and Rick and I got out and cleared the driveway, front steps, back steps and part of the deck. Then it spit ice pellets at us for a while. We were supposed to get snow overnight but when I got up and looked out the window at 2:30 a.m. it had not done a thing. Good, I thought as I went back to bed, they were wrong.

I got up this morning and looked out the same window and much to my dismay I saw more snow! About six inches or so of heavy wet snow. Here are some photos for comparison.

Here is our deck table and chairs yesterday:

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Same view but this morning:

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Again, the other side of the deck yesterday:

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And this morning:

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And the poor poolside table and chairs with its “donut” topping. Here it is BEFORE the most recent snowfall:

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And yesterday:

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And today:

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Sorry for the white balance difference. It’s the best I could do with early morning light.

Bella helped me with the deck shoveling. I shoveled, she barked and wanted snow thrown on her, so I obliged.

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Here are some scenes from around my house this morning.

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The snow is so high that the dogs can walk right over the fence, so I am hoping they don’t figure it out. (Taken in the back yard.)

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Bella coming down from the snowbank in front of our house on the street.

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Our ever-narrowing street.

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It looks like our front windows are wearing toothy white grins!

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eBay wanted to help with the front steps. It didn’t last too long but that cat loves the snow!

Have you had your snow fix yet? I know I have. Still, tomorrow we are supposed to get MORE snow — granted only 2-4 inches this time, but still …

We were afraid that they might cancel the RV show because of the storm, but the show is still on. They said that all the units arrived prior to the storm, which is good for them!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Hopefully Not Long, Long Trailer

I’ve mentioned before on the blog that we are interested in getting a little trailer like the T@B. It looks adorable and the price is right. 

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On Saturday we’ll go to an RV show in Suffern, NY where we know they will be exhibiting them so we can see what one really looks like. We are a bit concerned about the inside space and whether or not Rick will be able to stand upright. I am hoping it’s not a case of The Long, Long Trailer, a movie with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz where they go shopping for a trailer they see advertised in the paper. It looks roomy and large until they go to the RV show and see that it’s just a tiny little thing they can’t even stand up in. They instead buy a huge trailer that would be better off parked permanently in a trailer park. Not the end result I want from our RV show!

We are also considering the Alto Safari Condo. It’s a bit bigger and taller  than the T@B, but also pricier. The main drawback is that they are only available in Canada so we would have to drive to Quebec to even see one. Not a huge deal though considering where we live now. But, if it ever needs service it would have to towed back to the dealer —in Canada — and we won’t always live this close. It looks wonderful though. Take a look.  Plenty of room for Rick to stand up and just a little more living space. 

We’ll see what we think of the T@B this weekend.



Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Winter’s Icy Grip

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Does this look like the feet, body and beak of a bird to you?

Oh, Lord. They are using the “B” word for the storm that is bearing down on us, ready to unleash 10-16 inches of snow on Thursday. “B” as in Blizzard, but frankly I would use another “B” word to describe this winter. 

Really, Phil? Don’t you think you are taking your predication a little too far? 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Gutter Ice Art and an Unsuccessful Dog Walk

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I just got back from trying to take the dogs for a walk. A pretty unsuccessful walk. Last night we got about an inch of new snow. Just enough to coat everything really well, but not enough to shovel or plow. Scrape, maybe. Neither did our road get plowed since they have a “two-inch” rule where it has to snow two inches before they bring the plows out. 

The dogs have been driving me crazy and really missing their daily walks, so today I finally relented. They have to walk on the road because getting over on the side with all that frozen snow is something even they don’t want to do. 

We barely got out of the driveway before Hailey started hopping along and holding her paws up. I turned around and promptly put her back inside the house while Bella and I went by ourselves.

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Our road, not being a very wide road to begin with, is slowing shrinking in on itself the more snow we get. Here is what the end of our cul-de-sac looks like.

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I am not getting much exercise lately. I can’t walk at Long Pond Ironworks anymore unless I want to trudge through that nasty snow. I guess I could go over to Skylands where I could walk on pavement, but the temperature is still below freezing with a biting wind. Not conducive to walking outside at all. These days I get the most exercise walking around the grocery store aisles.

Talk is now floating around that there is a potential for a major winter storm on Wednesday night through Thursday. They must be joking. Please, stop!

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Gutter Photos: Last Thursday’s ice formation and today’s formation.


Welcome, I'm Lynne. You know me better as a 'new' Jersey Girl. But now I've moved once again, this time to North Carolina. Here I write about my thoughts, good food, and of course, dogs.

© 2006-2023 Lynne Robinson All photography and text on this blog is copyright. For use or reproduction please ask me first.

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