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View mesophilic starter

This culture is added to warmed milk. The culture will begin to create lactic acid in the milk, raising the acidity (lowering the PH), a vital step toward achieving curd formation, but also impacts the eventual consistency and flavor of the cheese.

This culture is available in powdered form. You can culture it and use it over and again. Someone might post instructions. In a pinch, you can use some buttermilk as a substitute for mesophilic culture.

However, I’ve only used the packages of powdered starter, which I buy online. Mesophilic starter should be used for cheeses that are not heated beyond about 100°F. (Use thermophilic starter for higher temperature recipes.)

Sprinkle one package on top of up to 2 gallons of warmed milk and allow to set for several minutes. Then, gently but thoroughly stir into the milk. Most recipes will then instruct you to allow the milk to set at a specific temperature for a specific time to ripen prior to adding rennet and starting coagulation.

If someone knows more about this starter please post the info here.
