Saturday, March 21, 2009

A more palatable diet

I don’t know if you’ve noticed the subtle change in the nightly news or not. I know I have. Since the stock market had its first good days last week, things seem to be slowly on the upswing. Instead of being fed a nightly diet of doom and gloom stories, now suddenly happy stories full of hope are emerging. It’s a nice change to hear encouraging news. Were they feeding us only the doom and gloom diet to keep us all in a funk? I’m certain the good things were still happening, it was just that they chose not to report on them. Why?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Did they really want us all sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves, hoarding our money and not contributing to the economy making things even worse? I know sometimes our world news would end with an uplifting story but the rest was pretty hard to watch. After taking all that in I needed an antacid!

It’s amazing how powerful the news media really is. They choose what they want us to hear and see. They shape our perceived image of our country and its economy. I mean I know things are bad, but don’t they just make it worse? I have to wonder sometimes if it’s all just a self-fulfilling prophesy.

I don’t know about you but I like to think there is light at the end of the tunnel and soon we will emerge on the other end.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey
Livingston Manor Covered Bridge in Rockland, New York


I couldn’t agree more. Thank you Lynne! Those are beautiful photos.

Thank you Jane!

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