Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Autumnal Thoughts

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Early morning sunlight sifting through my backyard trees.

Here in New Jersey August is a pretty mild month. It should be the hottest but it’s not. Somehow I think it’s the weather’s way of segueing us into autumn. Every year for the past six years that we’ve lived here it’s been the same. So why do I keep expecting it to be somehow different each year?

Now the cicadas are joined by multitudes of crickets at night, each one trying to outdo the other. The cicadas are not ready to give up their orchestra seats to the crickets just yet.

If this is typical of all the other years we are not quite done with the heat just yet. There is always a week at the beginning of September where the temperatures soar for the last hurrah of summer.

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My little clutch of turkeys come nearly every morning. A hen with two half-grown babies. The other day when I looked out I thought a recognized the sole turkey that was at the feeding station. I’m certain it’s Thomas back again! He has the same funny feather that sticks out all by itself on his chest. And even more exciting news: Thomas has hooked up with Lady Hen and they are now traveling as a family group. Good for Thomas!

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Thomas and family.

Some trees are getting a head start.

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Not sure if they are truly changing because of the season or if it’s stress from not enough moisture.

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The air feels different; it’s hard to explain, but it’s there.

It’s easier to see the difference in the light. It’s softer. The way it filters through the trees. The shadows in the morning. The increasingly shorter days. All due to the sun dipping lower in the sky.

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Me and the big pine in our front drive this morning.

Autumn is on it’s way. It’s real. Tangible. I think I’m ready.


I kind of think the leaves changing colors has more to do with lack of moisture - the nights haven’t been nearly cold enough for them to start changing normally.  At least not here.  What a beautiful day today, but the heat is on the way.  Supposed to be almost 90 by Friday so it’s not quite autumn yet!

Maybe. We’ve had temps in the mid 50’s at night. Plus, the trees key off the sun as well as the temps. Hard to say! Yes, like I said in the post, we aren’t done with the heat yet, there is always another big heat wave in store, and I said “autumn was on its way.” Not quite. But it’s in the process.

I feel it too…here.  Nights are getting cooler - LOVE IT.  Our trees are changing early - stressed from lack of rain.  90+ days - but nights are so nice!  Sounds like after this week temps will be lower for sure.  I am ready too.  Tired of not being able to see my mountains (due to our fires or fires from other states)

I KNOW I’m ready for fall, my favorite, yet shortest season here in NC. We can feel the change in the air (but humid today and drizzly.)It’s getting lighter later and getting darker sooner (yeah!)

Still waiting for my “Charlotte” (writing spider to show up—they always do this time of year,fingers crossed.)

Enjoy it!!

Debra, I’ve heard you’ve had wicked 90 degree heat a lot this year. My friend in Denver said that the nights haven’t been very cool at times either which is so unlike that mountain clime. Colorado has sure had its share of “yuck” this year.

Bigsis, I know you’re ready! The days they are a ‘changing. Fast. I hope you get a Charlotte too. That would make me feel much better.

I love the turkey family. How cool to have something like that in your backyard!

The weather is slowly changing here, too. Shorter days, cooler temperatures.

It’s showing signs of autumn here too - the mornings are cooler and the nights are drawing in.  Leaves are also showing signs of autumn colours.  Autumn is a favourite season of mine.  Love the first photo.

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