We pulled out the barbeque this weekend and grilled up some Scotta Dita and artichokes. Yum! I’m having some fun with the movie feature on my new little camera! Thanks go to husband Rick, computer wizard extraordinaire, for making it all work. Let me know what you think!
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A barbecue movie??!! How COOL! (Well, I should say, how HOT!)
I almost believed I could smell your delicious dinner after my third viewing of your little film. YUM!! Thank you and bon appetit!
Posted by
Reya Mellicker on April 02 2007 at 06:37 AM
Hey that’s pretty fun! I guess I need to get KT to show me how to use that feature <BG> So…BBQ Artichokes? How long? It cooks all the way through? Interesting, I’m intriged.
I had mercy on you (kinda) and posted some questions for you. 
Posted by
Susan in WA on April 03 2007 at 11:11 AM
Glad you two enjoyed it! It was delicious too.
Susan: you have to parboil them first in some herbs, then toss them on the grill. How long depends on how big the choke is. I’ll send you the link to the recipe. Some of the pics came out so well I was thinking of posting them anyway ... maybe I’ll just do that and give the link to the recipe.
Posted by
Lynne on April 03 2007 at 04:03 PM
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