Friday, March 30, 2007

Signs of Spring

When I woke the other morning there was a sound that kept penetrating my mind. A persistent bird call. One I had not heard for a very long time. Our phoebe was back! Now I know it’s Spring for certain.  The sweet, if not monotonous, fee-BEE ... FEE-bee was music to my ears. Last year this sweet pair of birds built a nest under the eave of our deck supports and proceeded to raise two broods of babies. They were fun to watch, swooping through the air catching all manner of bugs.

There are other signs as well. 

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey



Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


I really love spring, it’s like a big awakening.  Fun pictures. What are you using to play with them?  I just got PS Elements, but havnen’t installed it yet…I’m just slow at changes. 

(BTW, I didn’t get a WA license until the CA one was ready to expire so you are way ahead of me in that game! Like I said…slow at changes)

It takes a year and a day (as we used to say in Reclaiming) to become part of a new landscape. Of course you held on to your Colorado license! Of course.

Bravo and congratulations for making the switch! I for one am really happy you’re now a part of the east coast family of bloggers. Welcome home!!

OMG! The word I have to submit to print this comment is MOVED. Really! Wow.

oh the joys of spring! we had a sudden switch to autumn (right after those clouds came over in my last photo!), and i have had to resort to wearing long sleeves, realising that i have worn t-shirts (aside from looking dapper in my work clothes of course) since last october!!

Susan: I used a program called Print Shop. I have PS Elements too but haven’t played with it much yet.

Reya: Thanks for the welcome. WOW, you really got the word MOVED? That’s really cool!

Pod: thanks for stopping by! Autumn is just as joyful as spring!

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Next entry: It’s Time to Grill!

Previous entry: A true Jersey Girl now


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