Thursday, August 06, 2015

Turk “ish” Bath Day

I know you all on Facebook have already seen the turkey photos, but this post is for my sister who is not on Facebook. I promised her I would put them on the blog. So here they are: the Baker's Dozen hanging out by the pool. I am thankful I didn't have the pool open on this day or they might have just taken a dip it was that hot!

Silly turks! I could not believe my eyes when I saw them all lined up on the railing. 

And while we're here, why not land on the cabana?

They hardly ever come in to the back yard. I like it when they do because they eat all the bugs.

I'm sorry I'm not here more often. I guess my motivation for the blog has diminished. It started to celebrate our new life in New Jersey and all the adventures, flora and fauna that were new and different to us. Now it's just everyday ho-hum. Add to that the fact that we can't wait to move back to Colorado and start the next chapter of our lives together and well, it's hard to keep the blog going. I think you know where I am coming from. But, until the house sells (and it seems we are not having much luck with that) we are trying to enjoy the rest of our time here. We're taking advantage of the pool and swimming lengths most mornings.

I haven't given up the blog, just scaling back a bit.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Back in New Jersey

Not New Jersey

We are home in New Jersey as of Saturday late afternoon. My own house feels strange to me. I am in still in a Colorado state of mind and I'm finding it hard to adjust back to the noises of neighbors mowing their lawns and the annoying small planes that fly over the house on the way to the local airport. 

However, an incident last night reminded me of exactly where I was. We had our first bear of the season. I got up to close the curtains as it was getting dark. Out the window I saw our trash can toppled over and trash strewn in a wide swath across the front yard. Then I saw the big black bear. I stood on the front steps and clapped my hands and yelled at it. It took one last tasty piece of prime trash and retreated into the woods. 

Yep, we're back.

It pretty much either rained or was extremely overcast on our 3-day journey home. It seemed that the entire state of Nebraska was inundated with water. The Platte river was out of its banks and newly formed "lakes" appeared in so many fields. So. much. moisture. It was that way in Colorado too and it was nice to see it so green.

We listened to a very interesting book on the way home called "The Buried Giant." It was fantasy with a mix of King Arthur and The Hobbit, complete with ogres and dragons. It was so well read that the author's descriptive words and wonderful dialogue came to life. The story had a very interesting premise which kept us talking about it long after it was over. The 12 hours of CD time seemed to fly by as Lex's tires ate up the miles. Between that and podcasts of America's Test Kitchen we kept ourselves well entertained.

The pool is open and warmed up. However, it has mostly rain and stormed since we've been home. Rick did take advantage of a quick dip on Sunday, but since that afternoon we've had nothing but rain. I am not sure we even have fireflies since it's rained every night, and if they are here I'm sure they are all drowned. I did catch this little froggie on top of his "kin" upon opening the pool yesterday. Whenever it rains we get frogs in the pool. They are the devil to catch.

Most people ask if it's good to be "home" again. I would have to say, no, not really. I'm sure I will settle back into my normal New Jersey routine before too long, but right now I am not ready. We both become so immersed in cabin life that it's not easy to rewire ourselves. Plus, we kicked off a few things in preparation of living there full time while we there, such as next month we'll have new batteries installed and more solar panels. We found a great shed/small garage/storage barn that is going to be perfect for what we need. A neighbor is going to be clearing and leveling the spot for it this week (depending on the weather). 

Our yard was about to become a virtual garden with the promise of lupine, Wyoming paintbrush, fireweed, pink plume, blue flax and more. We won't see it in bloom. Neither will we see the fruits of our efforts to reseed the slash pile burn areas where we spread seed and native wildflower mix.

We're missing all the animals that come to our brand-new mineral and salt licks.

It takes a while to adjust to having moose, deer and elk visit vs. a bear getting into our garbage.

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Poolside on a Chilly Night

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Come on in, the water's warm! I'm certain you are all tired of hearing about our warm pool but please bear with me—it's still new to us. Last night Rick built a fire in our little fire pit. It burned merrily while we swam a few lengths. The water was nice and warm but it was pretty darned chilly out. I risked having my camera in the water with me to take the above photo. Pretty scary. 

We made a mad dash for our towels and robes when we got out and sat around the fire with a shot of whiskey and just talked. My robe smells like wood smoke this morning, but it was worth it.

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Bottom's up!

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Today we are off to the Renn Faire! The weather should be perfect for it.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Swimming With the Stars: Decadence

Okay. No photos. This blog post is just to mark our first truly decadent swim since installing the pool heater. 

Outside temp right now: 57 degrees F.

Pool temp during our swim: 82 degrees F.

Need I say more?? I think not. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Let There Be Heat!

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WOOHOO! The pool heater is up and running as of yesterday afternoon. The water temperature was around 72 degrees when it started (thanks to hotter weather and not so cool nights over the past two days). We also had one inch of rain on Wednesday, so it did pretty well on its own. The heater only ran for about two hours before we turned it off and it had already taken the water up to 78 degrees (temperature of the water running through the heater at the time). Warming up 30,000 gallons is no joke! This morning the pool stands at 76 degrees on opening with three frogs. I am thinking we are definitely swimming tonight!

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Dad … here's one! (Bella helps with frog removal.)

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Dad … he's getting away!!

I can't say enough good things about all the people that made it possible for us to have a warm pool for the Labor Day weekend. The propane tanks and all the necessary plumbing was done a week ago Monday and then we had to wait for the inspector who finally came on this past Monday. The electrician came on Monday evening to take note of what materials he would need, vowing to come on Thursday. That only left the delivery of the propane and the final hook-up of the propane to the heater. Wednesday morning at 7:00 a.m. the propane delivery truck was in our driveway. Rick talked to the driver and asked him to please give them a push in our direction so we could get up and running for the weekend.

Not one hour later after the propane delivery, the phone rang and it was Ken, the person responsible for the final hook-up. He said he'd be there in one hour, and he was.

Yesterday the electrician came and did his thing. (Ouch on the price tag, but he had to bring us up to code since everything was so old.) Dennis, our fab pool person, came yesterday afternoon and got the heater running and gave me a lesson in how to work it. It was so exciting to stick my hand in the water next to the jets and feel warm water pouring out!

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This morning's read out with starting temp.

We only have two weeks left to enjoy it but we're going to try and take advantage of every minute we get!


Top Photo: Waterfall at Ringwood Manor.


Welcome, I'm Lynne. You know me better as a 'new' Jersey Girl. But now I've moved once again, this time to North Carolina. Here I write about my thoughts, good food, and of course, dogs.

© 2006-2023 Lynne Robinson All photography and text on this blog is copyright. For use or reproduction please ask me first.

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