Monday, February 05, 2007

aaahhh ... it’s good to be Home

Going on vacation is a good thing. I needed a break from the old routine of feeding dogs and scooping kitty litter boxes. It was fun to visit somewhere that I had never been before and eat out every night. We kept a pretty busy schedule and there wasn’t much down time. Unfortunately I didn’t get as much time to blog as I would have liked. Rick had the laptop with him for work during the day, and the only free time to blog would have been after dinner. And by then I was way too tired to think straight. So, I hope you missed me just a little bit.

As nice as our little ‘vacation’ was, it was just as sweet to come home. The snow covered, heavily wooded hills looked very good to my eyes. The dogs did very well for their first time being kenneled and they were very happy to see us. The kitties did well too, being cared for by the teenaged boy down the street. It’s nice to be able to crawl into my bathrobe and cozy slippers and not have to go anywhere at all. So, all is good.

Our weather in New Orleans was cold, grey, rainy and very damp. We didn’t see the sun except for the very first afternoon when we arrived. I did manage to get an annoying head cold while there, either from the damp, chilly wind or from stepping in one too many puddles, so I’m a bit under the weather today. My head is stuffed up and my brain is foggy. I think I’ll spend the day watching old movies propped up on the couch by several pillows, cup of hot tea in hand, blanket tucked up under my chin to keep the chill off [right now it’s 3 degrees outside].

For the next couple of days I’ll be recapping our trip with lots of photos, so be sure and stop by! Until then, try a sugary-sweet sample of pralines:

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


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