Saturday, May 03, 2014

Back Home Once Again

We are home once again, arriving around 10:00 p.m. last night. Our two flights home were uneventful and very fast. Not so fast were the multiple lines at customs that we had to go through and nearly missed our connection if not for the man with the little handicapped cart. I've never seen lines at customs like that before and even though Houston had a new system installed with kiosks that you scan your passport in and answer all the agricultural questions on first, it was still crazy. (By the way, even if the answer on those custom forms is "yes" for you -- always tick the "no" box.)

Our view no longer looks like the above photo which was taken at sunset from the upper patio of our first home in San Miguel. We also cannot walk down to the Jardin for a "whiskey rojo" to cap off the night and watch the little children and families have fun together, nor will the little man who waited on us wrap me up in a warm fluffy wrap when it's cold. 

In a few days our feet will adjust to not walking on cobblestone streets and uneven sidewalks, of which we usually step down from to let the local people have the narrow sidewalk. I was just settling in to picking up some new Spanish words when now all I hear around me is English. There are plenty of ex-pats from the U.S. and Canada living in San Miguel so that you hear English spoken all the time and you could probably get by without knowing Spanish, but I always like to try and speak the local language. It gives me a feeling of satisfaction when I am understood and they don't switch back over to English.

It was a wonderful vacation. For me, the best kinds of vacations are those taken to places completely out of your normal "comfort zone" and into something completely different. This was such a vacation. I have many photos to share now that we are home. Our second house did not have reliable wi-fi, so I wasn't able to to a last blog post from there. I hope you don't mind if I stay in Mexico (blog-wise) for the next week instead of switching back to boring New Jersy that hasn't even leafed out yet.

It's good to be home yet I will miss many things about San Miguel. More to come. I promise


Don’t mind at all if you stay in Mexico for a while.  Always enjoy your pics and will get to know San Miguel better.

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Next entry: San Miguel: The Jardin

Previous entry: San Miguel: Wednesday


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