Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Blank slate

Lately I seem to have nothing to say. Usually the words are just ready to spill out of my head on a daily basis, but now they escape me. I even have a new camera and find nothing to take photos of. ~~ack!~~  I would say I was having a meltdown, but just the opposite is the case. Take a look at our Green Turtle Pond and you will see what I mean.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

There is a reason why we put the canoe up for the winter this past weekend. I think we would need to make it an icebreaker in order to use it! Don’t worry Andy, it’s all cozied up in prime real estate: our basement. I couldn’t bear to see it covered in a freezing wintry mix.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I took these photos today. Last year it was well into January before the pond started to freeze over. I was still taking Bart for his daily wades a year ago while today leaves lay entombed beneath a layer of ice.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Today as I walked down to the pond the air was damp, the humidity making it feel at least 10 degrees colder than the actual temperature. My normal hairstyle of carefully ironed-straight hair could not be contained. It reverted to its natural waviness when the dampness raked its clammy fingers through it. I could feel it shrinking; curling up around my face, giving in to its natural tendency as I walked. I could feel its damp breath on the part in my hair, numbingly so, as I reached the end of my walk. plop! went the tiny, moisture-laden droplets of cold rain on my shoulders. Good thing I was almost home.

I’m not complaining. Really, I’m not. I like the weather this way. It does wonders for my skin. They are predicting snow for Thursday here. Maybe even a considerable amount of snow: 3-6 inches for us up here in “the mountains.” If so, then I can show you our newest toy. I just wish my brain was functioning properly. Maybe the snow will sweep away the blank slate and give me something else to write on. Here’s hoping…


Hibernation in winter is normal. Ask your bear friends.

And take good care - let your hair wave and enjoy your walks.

Love to you….

We don’t see much of the bears anymore. I saw one just outside my yard last week and it looked smaller, like one of the cubs from last year.

Thanks, Reya! Love to you too!

Can’t wait to see the toy.  We are all ready getting the first storm.  Cancelled party plans for tonight.  And I am dreading the second as I still have to travel hours this weekend in it.  I am nervous to say the least.

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