Thursday, December 11, 2008

I’m moving to Texas ...

What I see out my window: grey, gloom, rain. Rain. Not the wished for snow, but rain. Don’t get me wrong, I love rainy days but I prefer them in Spring and Autumn; not December. My yearly lament for snow starts about now. Last year we had several nice snows before Christmas which made it feel more festive. Not so this year. (Those sprinkles of snow a few weeks back certainly don’t count as “snow”.) I guess I have to move to Texas where it is snowing today. Or maybe Louisiana. I heard they were getting snow too. But in New Jersey where everyone talks about how horrible the winters are—we get rain. And it’s 33º F outside right now.

Yesterday morning it was 55 balmy degrees when I got up. What a shock to open the door to let the dogs out and be hit in the face with warmth! So strange. It rained all day yesterday.
Baby Bella is getting cabin fever. Yesterday she tried to go outside and play but was not happy when she did. She likes to sit and look up at the falling drops of rain and tries to catch them in her mouth making cute little smacking noises.

I don’t feel very much in the spirit of things this year. Not quite sure why. So, to get myself out of this non-festive rut I’ve been in I guess I’ll haul out the decorations and start to decorate the house today. I’m sure Bella will be more than glad to help. I have visions of her chewing on the lighted garlands, eating tinsel and anything else she can find to amuse herself with. I don’t feel like decorating. But an undecorated house without a Christmas tree doesn’t do much to get one into the mood either, now does it?

I’ll let you know how it goes!


We had years without a tree because we didn’t trust the cats. I had to be a bit more creative,  but we managed get the apartment quite festive looking. Balsam and pine scented candles helped also.

Does seem like the season is sneaking by.  We have had some snow, mixed with some warm days.  Typical Colorado.  It does help with the spirit of the season, doesn’t it?  Here’s hoping the decorations help lift yours spirits and don’t prove to be too distracting to the pup!

Since we’re about 400 feet lower than most places in town it doesn’t surprise me that there’s no ice on the trees. I was at the high school half an hour ago and they were covered in a thin ice sheet. We should wake up with a thin sheet of ice covered with some snow—and hopefully no school. Weather report said 4 inches in Sussex and western Passaic.

We got our tree up last weekend. The first year tucker chewed the gift wrap off the presents =]
luckily he’s over that now.

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