Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Launched! and Snow (no!) Report

We’ve launched our new blog about our adventures and experiences with our T@B trailer. You can find it here. For now we are focusing on how we outfit it since we don’t actually have the trailer yet. 

I’m not sure the blog header will stay the same. I’ve been toying around with it. This is what I first came up with because I loved the blurb on the back of the T@B “I Go Where I Am Towed To” but it just wasn’t doing it for me.

I go where I m towed

Yesterday I worked on a different one and came up with this one which is the one I am currently using.

What is Cherry Red copy

What do you think? Any preferences anyone? Take a look on the actual blog site!

On the snow front we were lucky and the current storm swung way south of us and we didn’t get a single flake! It is however colder than-a-you-know-what out there. BRRRR! Maybe by Friday we’ll have a warmer day. I certainly hope so. This winter is dragging on and on!





We lucked out here too - we actually did get a couple of flakes but no accumulation.  I don’t know - I kind of like the first blog header (I like the ‘I go where I’m Towed to’ also although I like the bright colors of the second one.  I know that really helped you make up your mind.  grin

C, nope, not really any help in making up my mind but thanks anyway!

Lynn & Rick…beautiful T@B!  I love the 2nd blog header with the actual photo of your red & white beauty.  Maybe we’ll meet on the road somewhere soon.  Peace, love & camping!  Sharon in NC & her 2007 “SplashT@B”  http://sharonspostcards.weebly.com/postcards-blog.html

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