Oh! such lemony goodness. Rich, buttery crust that’s oh-so-tender. I had forgotten all about these delicious treats until a new acquaintance of mine, Marymartha, visited our online recipe book and made them for herself. She wrote to tell me that they were gone in a matter of minutes, they were that good. So, I decided to make them this weekend.
The recipe came from my Grandmother, who we called “Memom” because my sister couldn’t manage “Grandma.” I don’t know where the original recipe came from or if she made it up herself. All I have is the hand-written recipe on a piece of plain white paper. I treasure it because it’s her handwriting.

The recipe can be found here.
I love how she wrote Good -Good! at the bottom. Yes, Memom, they surely are.

Here I am with my Grandmother circa 1959. I know, I look a little cranky, don’t I? I think I was squinting into the sun.

I’m so behind in the online world! The dolphins were magical! I’m sure you will always treasure the connection you made with the one that chose you out.
The beauty of the beach and instantly to nature’s opposite beauty. Frankly, I think I’ll take the warmth!
Having a handwritten recipe is a huge treasure. I have some with my grandma’s opinions written on them as well. I’ll have to try this. I think it’s funny that as I get older I’m really being drawn to lemon things. Chocolate is getting too sweet.
Ha! My verification is “sun” which just cracks me up!
Posted by
Susan in WA on February 26 2008 at 02:51 PM
Yum! I can practically taste them.
Bless your mom, may she rest in peace.
The word I have to type to post this is “mother.” !!
Posted by
Reya Mellicker on February 26 2008 at 03:53 PM
Susan, thanks for slogging through all the entries you missed! I still love chocolate, but not the sweet kind: dark, dense cakes.
Reya, thank you. Wow. Sometimes those verification words really say something!
Posted by
Lynne on February 27 2008 at 05:25 AM
Lynne, Yes, it is me visiting once again for the lemon bar recipe. I so often lose stuff, and once again, can’t find the recipe, so I visit the site to retrieve it. It has become one of our family’s FAVORITE recipes, and Molly is planning to make it with her baking club that meets here once a month with her fellow 9 year old friends. They Voted on it! tee hee, Anyway, we are making it to bring to dinner at a friends house tonight, and again next week for Christmas! Once again, thanks for a delish recipe! And keep those handwritten recipes, I treasure the notebook my dad gave me of my mom’s recipes, and am planning to scan them into the pc so I can do a family recipe book along with some photos on shutterfly! Happy holidays,
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on December 13 2009 at 08:24 AM
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