Sorry, no new entries here right now. We’ve been in the midst of changing up servers for all our web sites over the past few days and we now think we have things in working order again. The only sad thing is that the comments that were added during that time period cannot be switched over and will be lost, so if you made a comment and it is no longer showing up, that’s what happened to it.
We’re having a thaw and the snow is slowly melting, melting, melting, and I can almost hear it saying “I’m melting …” just like the wicked witch. Soon, like her, it will just be a big puddle. Hooray! Although there is talk of a mid-week storm that could involve that nasty word we’ve all been avoiding saying — snow.
So, in the meantime while I come up with something to say here, have a look over on the T@B site. I’ve blogged about what we’ve purchased so far to outfit the tiny kitchen!
Posted by Lynne on 03/09/2014 at 02:23 PM
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I wondered what happened to you!
Glad your snow is melting. We are enjoying some spring-like temps after that flooding rain. Along with daylight savings time beginning. (NOT A FAN of DST)
Looking forward to seeing the little T@B—-any names in consideration yet?
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on March 09 2014 at 04:31 PM
T@boo, T@bulous, Fant@bulous, T@bouttime ....
Posted by
Rick on March 09 2014 at 07:02 PM
Oh, good—you chose the header for the T@B blog that I liked best!
I think your servers may still be adjusting. I’m not seeing any header on your blog. And the T@B blog posts seem out of order. Hmmm….
Posted by
Steve on March 10 2014 at 01:21 AM
Bigsis, it hasn’t been that long since I last blogged, has it? Sometimes I just don’t have much to say.
I am not a fan of DST either. I can’t wake up when it’s dark outside.
Steve, glad that header was your favorite too! The T@B post at at the top (which is the oldest) is “Sticky” meaning it’s always there as an introduction to the blog. Thanks for telling us the header was not appearing on my blog—it does for me. Rick will check it out—thanks!
Posted by
Lynne on March 10 2014 at 05:30 AM
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