Friday, September 24, 2010

One week mark

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We are at the one week mark. It’s hard to believe that we arrived one week ago today. Time has flown by, yet what do we do all day? Right now Rick is working on our second puzzle as I type. It’s very windy outside today and after taking a walk with the dogs this morning we are all not excited about doing it again. I washed out some laundry (mostly underwear) in the sink and it’s on the line blowing in the wind. We are going to try and get by this time without doing laundry in Laramie. We’ll just take our sheets and towels back to New Jersey with us, wash them, and bring them back next year.

Yesterday while on our walk I somehow managed to lose a lens cap from one of my camera lenses. This happens more times than I’d like to admit because I am always switching out lenses. Today we retraced our steps from yesterday’s walk. I figured we’d never find it since our path was over sagebrush covered meadow and deep dark woods. I thought it would most likely be in a place where I had switched lenses to take a photo, but it didn’t show up in any of those places. Just as we reached the deep dark woods portion of our walk I told Rick it wasn’t worth going in because I was certain that was not where I had lost it. At the last minute as I headed up the hill I said “maybe you’d better check just in case.” I went one way with two of the dogs and he went the other.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The photo above shows part of our trek. Can you see Rick?

I could not believe it when I met up with Rick and he was holding my lens cap in his hand! He said he found it face up saying “Canon” on the ground in the woods. A small miracle!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We have a new bird at our feeder that we’ve never seen before. A pinon jay.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

He’s an interesting color. Blue, but grayish. He gets along great with the steller jays and they don’t seem to mind him at all. Over the past two days he’s become a permanent fixture in the bird seed tray.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Here’s a photo of Bella after our walk.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We’re looking forward to dinner tonight: BBQ’d ribs and coleslaw. Could be challenging with the wind but we’ll do it on the screened-in porch.

I have more photos to share from today but I’ll wait until tomorrow to bore you with them.


Gorgeous pictures!  I especially like the one of the jay with it’s wings spread, and the last one of Bella laying in the road.  The scenery behind her is breathtaking!

Love the wet leaves, the blue jays and of course a beautiful dog lying comfortably on the red earth. Sounds like you’re having a great time. xx

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