Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The return of the awakened traveler

Our vacation to Nicaragua and Panama took us a world away. It awakened the sleeping traveler in me. They say the mark of a truly good vacation is one that takes you out of your element and completely transports you. Not only physically, but mentally as well. This vacation did all that and more.

When we lived in Europe we traveled a lot. We were always on the go exploring and flying to new places. In the past years since we’ve been living back in the States, I have not done much out of country travel. I don’t like to fly very much anymore and avoid it whenever I can. I even thought I really didn’t want or need to travel anymore, having had so much of it in the past. This trip proved me wrong. It literally screamed at me Wake up, Lynne! There are so many places yet to explore ... don’t be afraid of it ... embrace it.

I know I promised I would blog from our vacation. I really thought I would have time, but the reality was I did not have time nor did I have the inclination to write a blog entry. In the next week or so I will be taking you on my vacation with me albeit a little late.

Right now we are having difficulty getting the photos that were downloaded on Rick’s laptop to transfer to my computer. Once we have that problem solved I will have lots to share with you. An active volcano, rain forests, howler monkeys, a sloth, colorful birds, the Panama Canal, gorgeous scenery and more!

I hope you will come along for the adventure!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey
Painting on the side of a building in old town, Casco Viejo, in Panama City


It’s wonderful to have you back! I cannot wait to see the pictures and to hear all about it. It sounds like the vacation did exactly what it was supposed to do- take you away.

Jess, yes it did exactly that! Thanks for commenting!

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