Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Seasons, they are a-changin’

The signs are everywhere. 1) In the outside temperatures. Just two short weeks ago we were having days in the high 70s and low 80s. Nights were in the 60s. Not so anymore. Now we are lucky to reach 70 during the day and the nighttime temps blissfully drop into the mid-50s every night. AHHH. Not so so good is our pool temp.  2) which has not gotten above our lowest “swim-able” temp from the first time that we went in at 68 degrees. Ouch. Time to close the pool. So sad. It seems like just yesterday that we opened it up for the first time. 3) The trees are losing their fill and becoming pale. Many trees around town are already showing signs of changing. 4) The cicadas are as numerous now as the crickets. The crickets started in about 2 weeks ago, and according to my mother, is one sure sign of Fall. The cicadas only sing at night and very rarely now are heard during the day. 5) Our turkeys seem to be banding together. We have had a family unit of two hens and four chicks that come faithfully about 2-4 times per day. Today I looked out and saw twice that many at the edge of our yard. Hopefully they will stay on private property when it comes turkey season and they won’t get shot at! I’ve come to think of them as my extended family. [more on the turkeys in a later post.]

Here in the East [so far] we’ve experienced a “true” Spring and Summer rather than the extended seasons of Colorado that mainly exist as Summer/Winter. Spring was April-June. Summer was July & maybe August. We’re hoping Fall is the same and will last (hopefully) until at least early December before the snow flies. We are looking forward to fall foliage as we’ve not seen it before. Stay tuned.


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