Wednesday, February 21, 2007

This and that

Just a quick note to update my blog this morning. I have so many ideas for entries swimming around in my head—most as yet unformed— that I don’t know which way to run. The bears threw me off course yesterday by visiting the yard and using it as their playground, so of course I have more pics of them to share at some point [are you tired of hearing about the bears?]. I still have several New Orleans entries left including the one with Katrina damage photos [coming soon, I promise!], and lots of other ideas and photos to share. Who could have thought I would have so much to say and share? I do hope you’re enjoying my blog even though not everyone leaves comments.

So, stay tuned and keep checking back for updates. As soon as all this creativity in my head reaches my fingers I’ll be posting new things! Until then I’ll leave you with a photo I took yesterday of my cat eBay watching out the window as the bears approach.

Right now I have to go out and throw some seed down for the birds. I have five blue jays screaming at me for food outside the study window and I don’t think they’re going to stop until they get what they want. I wasn’t going to scatter seed today since the bears discovered it yesterday, but ... the jays are protesting, noisy things.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


And here I was going to post a photo of my cats watching the birds… grin

Love this photograph ... it is a very interesting shot, and tells a story all in itself.


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