Saturday, June 03, 2006


Half of our TV channels are working but the quality is very poor. The channels missing are all the normal ones like ABC, CBS, NBC.  The cable people came out and stopped in the road [we would never had known they even came except I went out to feed the birds] but they didn’t call until 6:00 this evening to ask if our service had been restored. I said no; she said okay I have a Thursday or Friday open. I said WHAT?????? That would make it a week without real service. NOT acceptable. She said okay, I have Monday but it’s an “open” appointment, meaning they could come anytime. She said our neighbors are reporting service restored. Well goody goody for them! I threatened Direct TV again, but I’m sure she didn’t care one whit. This is getting really ridiculous. If I miss the finale of Apprentice, I will seriously have to think about kicking some butt.

We had pouring rain most of the day. I think it stopped around 2:00 p.m. We’ve gotten more rain in the past few days than I think Colorado has gotten all year to date. I love it, yet it’s almost alien to me to see it literally pouring!

Our Texas Wiener lunch was pretty disappointing. The chili sauce was kind of strange with a weird spice in there. We couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was. Curry? Cinnamon something? Well, whatever it was, none of us liked it. Our spaghetti and meatballs, however, was a very good meal. We watched a TIVO’d movie out of desperation [Curse of King Tut’s Tomb] and it put my Mom to sleep. Right now it’s on PAUSE with an hour to go and Rick and I are headed off to bed ourselves.

Tomorrow it’s off to the market in Warwick again, this time with Mom. We hope to buy a rabbit to grill. Yummy!

Geez, it sounds like it’s raining again? Yes, it is, just ever so softly and gently. Perfect for sleeping! G,night!

Wait, wait! Just another note. THANK YOU to those few of you that responded to my message regarding who is actually reading this blog. For those loyal members of my blog [be they few] I will keep posting. Thanks for your support.


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