Friday, October 06, 2006

Wire Hazard and Swollen Faces

Life is never dull for long. Yesterday I got back from taking Mom home. I let the dogs out of their basement room. One look at Daisy and I knew something wasn’t quite right. Her face and nose were all swollen up on one side. This had happened to Bart the day before too and I had given him some Benadryl thinking it was an allergic reaction to either a bug bite or possibly poison ivy. His went away. Daisy’s didn’t, so this afternoon she is going to the vet. I think it’s infected; she won’t let me touch it to take a really close look but I can’t see anything.

Also yesterday after I got home from taking Bart to the vet (he has a urinary tract infection) there was a message from Rick saying that the Suburban was not running right and OnStar was trying to direct him to a Chevy dealer. Great. What now? We’ve never had a bit of trouble from the Sub. Turns out that the squirrels where he parks at work have been busy chewing through the wiring harness! So, I had to go and pick him up. They should have the new wiring harness in by this afternoon.

All this on top of not feeling very well; swollen glands in my throat, sneezing, etc. All the symptoms of a head cold or bug. So, I’m going to try and relax now until Daisy’s vet appointment. I have some posts to catch up on but I can’t concentrate on writing them right now, so stay tuned for Manhattan Momma, A Shore Thing, and Pick Me!
Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey
Update: Daisy got a big shot of Benadryl and something else for the reaction. The vet found a spot on the inside of her mouth that looked like it could have been a bite or sting. She was running a little fever as well, poor Do. I hope this makes her more comfortable.


The Suburban’s wiring harness was probably chewed on by mice. This time of year, as it gets colder, they seek out shelter and warmth. Apparently this is not an uncommon occurance. I need to get the garage cleaned out so we can park the Suburban inside. And, get a few mousetraps for the garage, I guess.

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